An obstacle course for children

The IME Val de Suize is organizing the second edition of its Ruée des P’tits Suize for 6-14 year-olds on July 3. A course with 25 obstacles to overcome over nearly 3 km… Are you ready?

Ready, set, fire, go! Run, climb, crawl, jump, you are launched on a course of almost 3 km strewn with obstacles. You are at the Ruée des P’tits Suizes.

Building on last year’s success with more than 200 participants, the Val de Suize medical-educational institute (IME) located in Brottes, is doing it again with a second edition… still free but even crazier!

If you are between 6 and 14 years old, then you can participate. It’s not a race, there is no ranking. You can therefore go at your own pace and don’t worry, the course located within the institute and surrounding areas is suitable for everyone and secure.

Guaranteed laughter. – Photos: IME Val de Suize

A person from IME or Epide, who has offered to have their young people supervise the obstacles, will always have an eye on the adventurers.

Good to know, there will be an escape route provided in order to move on to the next step. Twenty-five obstacles punctuate the course, some are natural like bales of straw, from recycled materials or made for the occasion.

They were all thought up, created and implemented by young people from the IME, around sixty of them, accompanied by the institute’s employees.

Open up to others

“Beyond the festive side, this day is an opportunity for us to promote our young people, their skills and their abilities”, explains Maud Marie, sports instructor in charge of this event.

This project promotes openness to others for the young people welcomed at the IME and also for the public who are not necessarily familiar with this structure which welcomes children, adolescents and young adults aged 6 to 20 suffering from intellectual disabilities.

It’s free and open to ages 6-14. Parents can accompany or sip fruit juice! –

Enough to discover a pleasant green setting and occupants happy to see their institute open its doors. Especially since everyone will participate in one way or another, even the children with multiple disabilities, that is to say in wheelchairs.

Hidden in strategic places, they will be armed to spray the participants! There are many other surprises, but shh… We won’t tell you everything.

On the practical side, when you arrive, you will be given a colored bracelet. Once your color is called, you can start. However, bring clothing that is not afraid of mud or dirt and something to change into at the end.

Know that last year, the adventurers loved it so much that some started again up to 3 times! There will even be food and refreshment, all accompanied by music.

Practice the Rush of P’tits Suizes, July 3, from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., rue de Quellemele, 52 000 Brottes. Free but upon registration on 03 25 32 04 73 or on [email protected]é Spare items to be provided.



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