Villa Victoria in Nice, a haven of peace where survivors of domestic violence are reborn together

Villa Victoria in Nice, a haven of peace where survivors of domestic violence are reborn together
Villa Victoria in Nice, a haven of peace where survivors of domestic violence are reborn together

They arrive in emergency situations, alone or accompanied by their children. Marked by physical and psychological after-effects. In the Villa Victoria in Nice, women are sheltered from the blows of their spouses.

Within the building, each has private accommodation. And they meet together for shared meals, to take care of the vegetable garden… Mutual aid which allows them to stand together, together. Individual and collective support for 3 to 9 months helps them rebuild their lives. They opened the door to this place of resilience for us.

The path leading to the Villa Victoria runs along a pretty garden. In the shade of the trees, they have set up chairs and a bench. To sit down and enjoy the coolness. In the flowerbeds facing due south, under their windows, grow zucchini, basil, tomatoes that they have planted. In this haven of peace, women who have fled the hell of domestic violence find refuge. And heal their wounds. They arrive here in emergency situations with physical and psychological after-effects.

“They are very scared. Here, the calm and the vegetation are soothing. You can see the effect on the ladies very quickly. After a week, the features relax. It is a place conducive to physical and mental restoration. They regain confidence. Feel safe. The feeling of security is essential to be able to escape from the phenomenon of control” notes Kréména Fredon, head of the accommodation structure for women and children who are victims of violence at the association Agir pour le lien social et la citoyenne.

In this secure and safe place where they have independent accommodation, they take advantage of a respite to rebuild themselves and prepare for the future. Some will stay 3 months, others 9 months. “In 2023, the average duration of support was 5 months”specifies Kréména Fredon.

Helping each other to cope

Kréména Fredon here in discussion with the women: “The process of resilience is based a lot on the collective, feeling that they are not alone that there are other ladies who are experiencing the same things, that’s important.” Photo Justine Meddah.

On this summer morning, in the common room bathed in light, it is time for a coffee break. Around the table, Rena, Asma, Maeva, Eva*… are chatting.

“Here, I feel at home, and so do my children,” confides Murielle. “With the other women, I forget all the problems.”

They take turns talking about their lives at the villa. A daily routine punctuated by children to be dropped off at school, meals to be prepared, then meetings with social workers, psychologists, lawyers…

But also festive moments that they share happily. Outings to the beach, with the children, meals that they organize in the “common room”.

On the weekend, we put on some music and dance, it feels great!

When recalling these joyful moments, Eva exchanges knowing glances with the other women. Smiles appear on their faces.
Maëva continues: “we make aloe vera masks with plants from the garden”. Rena, a beautician, does their hair. They take care of themselves and others.

“The process of resilience is based a lot on the collective, feeling that they are not alone, that there are other ladies who are going through the same things, that’s important.”
And Christelle Bouali, director of the association’s accommodation division, continues: “their strength is helping each other to stand up to the situation.”

Prepare for after

In front of the villa, the women have access to a garden where they can grow plants. Photo Justine Meddah.

As soon as they arrive, they benefit from legal, psychological and social support.

“We work in partnership with the Information Center for the Rights of Women and Families, which posts a lawyer, psychologists and a professional integration officer. The issue of domestic violence is multifactorial, so there is a need to act on several areas.” And thus give women benchmarks, keys and tools to prepare for the future.

The aim is to help them move forward with a professional project, start the process of finding accommodation, etc.

“By following their advice, we will get through this”


Mother of two children aged 5 and 8, Murielle would like to be a nursing assistant. “I’m looking to have personal stability, to work, to be independent. I’m determined, I’m going to find myself. By following their advice, we’ll get through it. Here the mistress of the house, Marylin, the educators encourage us. They encourage us say to have confidence in ourselves, it gives peace.” And the courage to move forward.

Among women who are victims of violence, trust is undermined by toxic, controlling relationships. Like the one that Amal, 35, experienced and from which she managed to escape.

“Here, at Villa Victoria I transformed bad into good.”

“Today I identify toxic relationships, I assert myself, I manage to say no.”

Amal, 35 years old

Before I was eaten up by others, for fear of their reactions, for fear of rejection. It’s over now.”

After leaving the shelter, the young woman embraced the career she had dreamed of: cooking. As a chef de partie in a restaurant in Nice, she is now living life to the fullest. She returned to the Villa Victoria to share her story and give courage to those who are going through the same challenges.

Work to accommodate more victims

To Vvlla Victoria

Since the opening of the structure in December 2021, 266 women and their children have been supported at Villa Victoria.

To accommodate them in better conditions, avoid the risk of intrusion by violent third parties and increase the reception capacity, the structure will undertake an ambitious renovation project at the beginning of 2025.

“Today we have 20 homes, studios or two-room apartments, and after the work we will have 8 more”explains Lamia Agius, director of ALC. In the Alpes-Maritimes, the 2nd department in France most affected by domestic violence, the needs are immense.

Participate in the renovation of the Villa

To help the association carry out this ambitious project, it is launching an appeal for donations.

If you wish to participate, you can contribute on this platform put online by ALC.

It is also possible to send your donations by mail to the association’s headquarters by sending a check payable to ALC, 2 avenue du Docteur Emile Roux 06200 Nice.



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