“I have terrible burns, blisters”

“I have terrible burns, blisters”
“I have terrible burns, blisters”

An investigation for “unintentional injuries” has been opened against Dr Luc Clémens of Besançon (Doubs). Twelve patients, who suffer from incontinence or chronic diarrhea, accuse him of having made serious surgical errors.

“I’m not going to take a loan to have a brand new behind”, Célia is indignant to the Republican East. She is one of the alleged victims of proctologist Luc Clémens from Besançon (Doubs). He is the subject of an investigation for “unintentional injuries”, while 12 patients complain of incontinence problems following his operations.

Laurent, Gloria, Joris and Elodie suffered from rather benign hemorrhoidal problems but emerged from the operation incontinent or with the “damaged sphincter ». Like Roland, 62, operated at the Polyclinique de Franche-Comté in 2017. “ I was missed during my operationsays this former worker, I’m still going through hell, seven years later. I have terrible burns, blisters, I have to wear protection all the time. I can’t go out so I don’t have to go to the bathroom in a hurry. » His wife left him. He now has to take medication to sleep. His life is destroyed…

“I was told I was going to stay like this for the rest of my life”

Some victims tried to seek treatment… from the same doctor. Enough to make their situation worse. Four of them ended up turning to specialized services in Paris, Metz (Moselle) or Lyon (Rhône), in vain. Their bodies were too damaged. “In Paris, I was told that I was going to stay like this for the rest of my life, with unbearable pain, bowel movements that I don’t feel coming and that I can’t hold back”despairs Brigitte, 41 years old.

Some patients, less mutilated than others, could benefit from reconstructive surgery. But the cost is exorbitant: around €60,000. “It’s half the price of my house,” breathes Celia.

The colleagues of Dr Luc Clémens, in office since 2016, say they “super surprised » and affirm that he was not the subject of any complaint. A judicial investigation was opened by the public prosecutor of Besançon, Etienne Manteaux. Doctor Luc Clément remains presumed innocent.



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