In Avignon, Rima Hassan came to support the candidate Raphaël Arnault (NFP)

In Avignon, Rima Hassan came to support the candidate Raphaël Arnault (NFP)
In Avignon, Rima Hassan came to support the candidate Raphaël Arnault (NFP)

The meeting organized this Friday evening with the participation of the Vaucluse collective Urgence Palestine mainly evolved around this theme. “There is an urgent need to recognize the State of Palestine as of July 7. This is a structuring issue in all areas of human rights.“, insisted Rima Hassan, a lawyer by profession, who was born 32 years ago in a Palestinian refugee camp in Syria.

Racist Islamophobic and anti-Semitic speech has completely spread throughout society, we must save the ideals that give us hope because racism kills“, she said before warning against the RN”which pits the most precarious against each other“and whose arrival in power”would lead straight to civil war“.

A very present threat“, Raphaël Arnault hastened to recall, returning to the attack committed two days earlier against a bakery in the Pont des deuxeaux district in Avignon, set on fire and covered with racist tags. “Racists are everywhere and even in this constituency where the RN is far behind. Today, they feel justified in taking action“, thundered the candidate, recalling the abuses committed in France by individuals linked to small far-right groups before quickly moving on to the social measures of the program he defends.

Parachuted into the 1st constituency of Vaucluse, the young anti-fascist activist from Lyon invested by the New Popular Front finds facing him a dissident candidate, Philippe Pascal, formerly of LFI supported by the local branches of several left-wing groups (PS, PCF, Generation.s, Ecologists) and in particular the mayor of Avignon, Cécile Helle, and the PS senator of Vaucluse Lucien Stanzione.



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