the trial of a violent attack against a backdrop of debt

the trial of a violent attack against a backdrop of debt
the trial of a violent attack against a backdrop of debt

It is a scene of rare violence which will be at the center of the debates from Thursday June 27 and until Tuesday July 2 in the courtroom of the Assize Court, in Blois.

Three young people aged around twenty will appear on charges of attempted murder. The facts attributed to them occurred on the evening of May 4, 2021, place Mirabeau, in the Kennedy district in Blois. The police were alerted shortly before midnight by local residents. A young man was lying on the ground, seriously injured by a gunshot to the right knee and three stab wounds to the left arm as well as the right eyelid and eyebrow.

A debt of 12,000 euros

Transported to the hospital by firefighters, Amara, 24, had to be amputated above the knee due to the severity of the wound inflicted by a hunting rifle (the police found a wad of ammunition on site). Heard by the investigators, the victim explained that he had had a disagreement with a certain Rayan who owed him, as well as two other young people, a sum of €12,000 in connection with an apartment lent while he was in prison. After a tense telephone exchange, he and Rayan arranged to meet at Place Mirabeau.

According to the victim, Rayan arrived by car, accompanied by the two other “debtors”: his cousin Nassim, seated in the back, and, at the wheel of the Peugeot 307, a certain Timothée. Rayan would have gone down first, armed with a hunting rifle. Joined by the other two, he immediately threatened Amara before ordering her to get into the trunk of the car. The young man refused, then physically resisted his attackers. It was then that he received a shot in the right knee. Once she fell to the ground screaming in pain, the victim was kicked in the head and all over her body. Then one of the attackers stabbed him three times under the armpit and over his right eye.

He would have shot out of fear

Rayan presented himself at the police station on May 6. He admitted to being the author of the gunshot. The accused claims to have fired without aiming because he was afraid when Amara approached him. He denied owing the victim money. His cousin Nassim was arrested the next day. He claims to have remained in the car during the altercation. He said he saw nothing, only heard a noise. Fearing reprisals, he did not give the identity of the third protagonist present.

Timothée in turn went to the police a few days later. He confirmed that he had a problem with the victim who demanded money from him, but he always denied having been at Place Mirabeau on the evening of the attack.

A reconstruction was organized at the scene of the attack in October 2022. The three young people indicted maintained their statements.

During the trial, Rayan and Nassim will be defended by Me Emmanuelle Fossier, while Timothée will be assisted by Me Stéphane Rapin. Me Damien Vinet will plead for the interests of the victim. The chair of the general advocate will be occupied by the vice-prosecutor Jean Demattéis. These four days of hearing will be chaired by Lionel Da Costa Roma, advisor to the Orléans Court of Appeal.



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