Prevention: fight against over-indebtedness among young people

Prevention: fight against over-indebtedness among young people
Prevention: fight against over-indebtedness among young people

In Switzerland, one in three young people is in debt. And 80% of people in a situation of over-indebtedness contracted their first debt before the age of 25. Faced with this alarming situation, the Sarine Prosecution Office has set up a prevention initiative by passing through the orientation cycles with a course intended for 11 a.m. classes.

At 15, terms like debt, interest or lawsuits can seem abstract. Yet the consequences of these concepts can manifest quickly. “If you pay for your phone every month, you already have a debt,” explains Daniel Quintairos, deputy at the Sarine Prosecution Office. The service therefore considers it essential to start raising awareness at this age, when young people begin to consider student jobs or apprenticeships.

To make this awareness relevant for young people, the course includes practical exercises. For example, pupils are invited to draw up a budget or find out what the Debt Collection Office can seize in the event of unpaid debts. These exercises, although sometimes worrying, aim to make an impression. “The goal is to no longer encounter them,” confirms Daniel Quintairos.

Please note that this type of training depends on the will of the prosecution offices of each district. Thus, not all students in the canton benefit from this awareness.




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