Legislative Beauvais-nord. Candidate Souhail Aouad introduces himself

Legislative Beauvais-nord. Candidate Souhail Aouad introduces himself
Legislative Beauvais-nord. Candidate Souhail Aouad introduces himself
Souhail Aouad was on Caroline Cayeux’s list for the municipal elections. He is now running for the legislative elections himself.

See you soon 29 years old Souhail Aouad introduces himself for the first time to a legislative election. He who took his first steps in politics on Caroline Cayeux’s list, during the last municipal elections. He was born and raised in Beauvaiswhere he is involved in several associations such as Beauvélo, Beauvais Wolf basketball… He is also president of the Young Economic Chamber of Beauvais.

He explains that he did not plan to show up. But, pressured by the people who support him, he took the plunge. “The evening of the announcement of the dissolution and such high scores of the National Rally, I wanted to take part in the fight“, he recalls.

“My only opponent is the RN”

Souhail Aouad is an economic advisor at Ceser des Hauts-de-France. He was elected there to represent the region’s business leaders. “I am left-wing but I work with centrists, progressives, humanists“, he assures. He adds “not to be locked into the left and right divisions. We clearly saw at the polls that people don’t want it.» He is supported by the Ecology party in the center, but he is not invested.

As for the other candidates, some more experienced than him, Souhail Aouad is not worried and even calls for a debate. “I am not running against anyone, my only opponent is the National Rally», he promises. But he still regrets that “we have an outgoing candidate, although Republican, who does not condemn the exit of Eric Ciotti».

Empowering teachers

When we point out to him that the 2th constituency voted a lot to the extreme right during the last European elections, particularly in the rural areas which represent a large part of this territory, Souhail Aouad reassures: “We often oppose working-class neighborhoods to rurality while today both sufferrecalls the candidate. Both have social and societal problems. You have to make the hyphen».

To make this link, the young man relies on his program. First, he places education and wants to give teachers more resources. In second position in his list of priorities, he puts employment and entrepreneurship. “It’s important to have a job that makes sense“, he said. He also wants to fight against the feeling of insecurity by restoring confidence in political actors. Without forgetting the transport problem which particularly affects the rural world.

Her substitute is Clémentine Pigouche, a student from Beauvais involved in the associative fabric. Both call on young people to vote. “To choose your destiny.»



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