Marseille: things are moving in Euromed

Marseille: things are moving in Euromed
Marseille: things are moving in Euromed

The crisis is not slowing down the public development establishment Euroméditerranée (EPAEM). In April, he entrusted the Polyptyque agency (manager) and the landscaper Sarah Ten Dam with a consulting urban planner mission to supervise the development of the last pockets in the three operational ZACs (Joliette, Saint-Charles, Cité de la Mediterranean) included in the initial perimeter (310 ha) of the Euroméditerranée operation of national interest (OIN).

At the beginning of June, the EPAEM gave the names of the three groups in the running to create within the ZAC Littorale a program of 120 housing units, 25% of which are social, with shops at the foot of the building (8,000 m² SP in total). To do this, he will sell 3,000 m² of land in the Cazemajou sector located at the crossroads of the initial perimeter of the OIN and its 170 ha extension.

Low carbon island. The tandem formed by Polyptyque and Sarah Ten Dam Paysage, members of one of the preselected groups, will participate this summer alongside the other teams in workshops with the EPAEM and the coordinating urban planner of the ZAC Littorale, Yannick Beltrando of the agency Anyoji-Beltrando, to explore technical solutions. For Euroméditerranée, the challenge is to create a low-carbon island by maintaining accessible prices for first-time buyers while meeting the environmental objectives of the 2028 threshold of RE 2020. The submission of offers is set for September 25, before the selection of the winner in early November.

The three preselected groups:

  • Edelis/Nhood/1001 Vies Habitat/Clément Blanchet Architecture/Atelier Régis Roudil/Péna Paysages/Scoping/Etamine/GCC/Citya Immobilier/Notaires Les Docks.

  • GA Smart Building/Sogeprom/3F Sud/In’li/NP2F/Concorde/Puya Paysage/Soler IDE/Terrell/Builders & Partners/Sinteo/VPEAS/ Raedificare/Playgones/LesCityZens.

  • Villenova/Erilia/Clément Vergely Architectes/Polyptyque/Thibaut Bertet/Sarah Ten Dam/Batiserf/Eléments Ingénieries/K-Ingénierie/Quai 36.



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