Villefranche is organizing to host Summer Night Friday June 28

Villefranche is organizing to host Summer Night Friday June 28
Villefranche is organizing to host Summer Night Friday June 28

Every year, the last weekend of Junestands Summer Night in Calade. This event allows different associations to present their work and gain visibility. It is also an opportunity to Villefranche-sur-Saône to organize your own music festival, even if the date is slightly past date. While concerts and demonstrations are flourishing in the streets of the city center, the town hall has issued two fairly significant decrees for the organization of the event.

A first order is supposed to guarantee the smooth running of the evening. It provides for the ban on various objects or behaviors on public roads during the event. From 6 p.m. Friday June 28 and until 3 a.m. Saturdaywill be prohibited, among other things: the consumption of alcohol outside of places reserved for this purpose, the possession and use of firecrackers, the shooting of fireworks or the presence of first and second category dogs.

Very limited traffic and parking

A second, more important temporary order concerns traffic and parking which will be significantly affected.

Consequently, traffic will be prohibited from 4 p.m. Friday 28 until 2 a.m. Saturdayin 20 streets including National Streetthe rue Victor-Hugo or the rue Paul-Bert (full list below).

The provisions do not concern vehicles belonging to the organization, the police or the emergency services. For other users, a signposted detour route will be put in place. Still on the subject of traffic, the direction of this will be reversed in the rue Corlin for the occasion. Parking will also be prohibited on eight streets and the Barmondière space.

Traffic is prohibited : rue Nationale, rue de Villars, rue de la Charte, passage Raisin, impasse Rebotton, impasse Bourdelin, passage de la Gerbe, passage Rousseau, rue Victor-Hugo, rue Thivend, rue Roland, rue Claude-Bourricand, rue Sainte-Claire , rue Pezant, rue des Marais, rue de la Sous-prefecture, rue des Fayettes, rue Paul-Bert, rue Grenette, rue Alsace Lorraine.

Parking is prohibited : rue Nationale, rue Paul-Bert, rue Victor-Hugo, rue des Fayettes, rue de Villars, rue de la Sous-préfecture, rue Corlin, Espace Barmondière.



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