PMU – Arrival of the quinté on Tuesday July 2 in Vichy: Glycina Bella deprives Jean-Michel Bazire of a title

PMU – Arrival of the quinté on Tuesday July 2 in Vichy: Glycina Bella deprives Jean-Michel Bazire of a title
PMU – Arrival of the quinté on Tuesday July 2 in Vichy: Glycina Bella deprives Jean-Michel Bazire of a title

Arrival of the quinté : 6 – 13 – 5 – 9 – 11

Winning a competition in your name must certainly have a special flavour. Jean-Michel Bazire almost achieved it in today’s quinté, contested on the banks of the Allier with Gai Matin (n° 13), but that was without counting on Glycina Bella (n° 6). However, the man with twenty golden sulkies did everything to win this meeting. “Both horses stretched out a lot,” he admits. “But my opponent will surely win.” Winner of this event in 2020 with Black Jack at NightJMB leaves the laurels this time to Antoine Wiels. “She deserved her race,” reacted the winning driver, who shone for the eleventh time in this category. “We came to Vichy for her.” And Jean-Paul Marmion’s driver did not let himself be trapped by the tactical dimension of the race. “I did not want to stay on a fourth curtain at the rope,” he continued. “Otherwise, the die was cast. My mare is hard to exert and I had no interest in rushing her. In the end, she won easily because I did not unblock her ears.”

The efforts made in front of the stands by Gai Matin may have cost him the victory but the competition favourite has no reason to be ashamed of his second place. Gavroche of Iton (n° 5) finished in third place while Boitron’s Broom (n° 9) fails at the foot of the podium, and precedes Falko de Nouville (n° 11).

Yann Daigneau indicated the tiercé in disorder in three horses and the quinté in disorder in eight units.



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