The takeover of Biarritz Olympique continues to divide | Kirola

The takeover of Biarritz Olympique continues to divide | Kirola
The takeover of Biarritz Olympique continues to divide | Kirola

2024 AT. 25 – 07:10h

As part of the takeover of the rugby club, the establishment of a Trust was at the heart of the municipal council debates on June 24 in Biarritz. A tense session during which several elected officials left the room.

Former Biarritz Olympique player Shaun Hagerty is one of the buyers of the rugby club. (© Patxi BELTZAIZ)

Once again, the takeover of Biarritz Olympique Pays Basque (BOPB) has created a stir. After multiple twists and turns, the municipality participated at the last minute in the financial rescue of the century-old rugby club, in particular by helping the new buyers in the search for partners. The choice fell on a duo formed by Pierre-Édouard Sterin and Pierre Fraidenraich. The first is a billionaire entrepreneur, 104th French fortune according to the rankings of Challenges magazine, adhering to far-right ideas at the head of SASU Otium Impact France. The second is a former journalist and press boss.

“Their commitment was reflected during the hearing with the Rugby Regulatory Authority (A2R) last Wednesday June 5 through the legal vehicle that is the trust,” rejoiced Maider Arostéguy during the council municipal on June 24. This BOPB Trust bringing together SAS BO.tiful, SASU Otium Impact France and having as trustee the company Poulmaire Gestion Fiduciaire was favorably received by the regulatory body which expected pledges. Through this contract, Otium Capital provided three million euros in guarantee, including one million immediately to cover end-of-season costs.

At the same time, at the club’s request, the City agreed to transfer the long administrative lease (BEA) into the trust to solidify the takeover project. She also reintegrated the Villa Rose which was initially part of the BEA signed in 2003 but which had been removed two years ago due to the non-fulfillment of the commitment made by the BOPB to maintain it and decided to a multi-year agreement of objectives and means for a maximum amount of 500,000 euros over the next three seasons.

Baroque montage

The use of this judicial and financial instrument raised questions for the opposition. “The editing chosen is rather baroque and leaves many questions unanswered,” laments Patrick Destizon. Beyond the chosen partners and the multiplication of project changes, the eight elected officials who do not belong to the majority regret having been presented with a fait accompli without the establishment of a commission in the presence of lawyers to understand this complicated legal arrangement. “I am going to repeat one of your statements, Madam Mayor, the Trust does not pump anything into it,” summarized Sébastien Carrère.

“There are moments in a mandate when the arm must not weaken. Some decisions are pleasant, some are unpleasant and others are urgent […] The objective was to allow these inexperienced buyers, but full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm, to be able to bring this project to fruition, which takes place over three, five and eight years. They will not have the obsession in one year to move up to the Top 14, even if it is everyone’s dream, as long as the foundations of the club are not solidified. We ask you to trust us with this decision that I had to take urgently but within a legal framework,” explained the mayor of Biarritz.

Regarding his commitment to launch under public project management the creation of a training center for amateur rugby as well as a performance center for high-level sport, Maider Arosteguy assured that the work would be initiated from here the end of his mandate in two years. Their location remains to be determined but would “probably be on the Aguilera plateau”. Feeling poorly informed and worried about the transfer of the BEA to a structure that is not the SAS BOPB, all opposition elected officials abstained during this vote.

Musical chairs

A vote which took place in a very tense atmosphere. During her speech, Corine Martineau referred to a statement by George-Philip Chartier: “Politically, the BOPB closing will affect one of us without moving the other.” Transcribed in an article in the Sud-Ouest newspaper published in 2020, these remarks attributed to the companion of the first councilor were said to have been made during a private discussion with Jean-Baptiste Aldigé. At this mention, followed by four elected officials, Maider Arosteguy left the municipal council, refusing to listen to the elected official from the Biarritz Nouvelle Vague list.

“We have just experienced a catastrophic moment for democracy in France, we hear every day from people who no longer have confidence in politicians, that we are puppets and you leave the room so as not to listen?, s Lysiann Brao is offended. It’s a democratic shame. We don’t leave a hemicycle. »

A few minutes later, opposition MP Nathalie Motsch will become aware of insulting remarks towards Corine Martineau which would have been made immediately by George-Philip Chartier on social networks. He is said to have notably declared “Madame Martineau, what an honor if this did not come from a person whose intellectual indigence goes hand in hand with the narrowest populism”. A situation which led the two elected officials to leave the session permanently.



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