Avignon Off Festival: “Arianne, one step before the fall”: an uppercut in the thrilling

Avignon Off Festival: “Arianne, one step before the fall”: an uppercut in the thrilling
Avignon Off Festival: “Arianne, one step before the fall”: an uppercut in the thrilling

Come on, chick (our only rhetorical point in common with Manu 1st the disruptive…), let’s not be afraid of our own grandiloquence: yes, without any ambiguity, “Arianne, one step before the fall” is a little leader work in the nevertheless jaw-dropping family of “rocking theater”, an uppercut in the thrilling, an incandescent jewel which commands respect. On June 29, at the end of the first performance, the audience at the Théâtre de l’Oulle was on their feet, stunned, in disbelief. It must be said that Thomas Gendronneau did not spare him for an hour and a half. We knew since “Glenn” (he played Glenn Gould) that the latter was moving forward as an actor in weightlessness (in fact “Moliérisé” for this role). We now know that he is also a powerful playwright, a skilled composer and a director in the tradition of Julien Gosselin. Little break at the “T” moment. You have every right to think that the author of this article is overdoing it with bling bling superlatives. Know that this is not the case in terms of feelings, and that on the contrary, the said columnist has his feet on the brakes in this matter.

“Arianne” is therefore the story of a slip. That of a rock star, solitary comet and singer of paradoxes. An icon (for ten years), in free fall into drugs, alcohol, and his turning point torments. She is preparing, with her four comrades, to go on stage for the last concert of their tour. And here is the drama. Mathilde-Edith Mennetrier portrays this Amy who burns from the inside, this Janis who would make any self-respecting manager feel jaundiced. And even if we are accused of being an “unrepentant abuser of the adjective”, we can only sanctify the performance of this actress-singer who reminds us a lot of a blonde cousin of Izïa. Miss Mennetrier carries the piece on her frail shoulders with astonishing enthusiasm, and pierces our souls with her nuanced playing. A great actress takes shape live, in front of us, and it’s so moving. “Arianne a step before the fall”, we have not said it until now, has a neuralgic originality: it is a “live” concert in which theatricality and live video interfere, with great accuracy . It is not so common at the Off festival to be given earplugs before the start of a performance…

We hope for this piece the same destiny as that of “Denali”, also created at the Factory-Théâtre de l’Oulle, just a year ago: a piece just as concocted by young virtuoso artists, in which the music and video were central (without obscuring the theatrical matrix) and which, upon arrival, was nominated four times for “Molières”. FB

“Arianne, one step before the fall” at 8:45 p.m. until July 21 at the Factory-Théâtre de l’Oulle (closed on July 2, 9 and 16). Prices €12 and €22. Information 09 74 74 64 90.

Fabien Bonnieux



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