Federal MP apologizes for sending map of Canada riddled with errors

Federal MP apologizes for sending map of Canada riddled with errors
Federal MP apologizes for sending map of Canada riddled with errors

Mr. Naqvi apologized on social network X on Sunday, admitting that this coloring card was incomplete.

“Canada Day is coming! To mark this moment, we have sent you a Canadian flag to display with pride, he wrote. However, we made a mistake. Prince Edward Island and Yukon are missing from the map.”

However, he reiterated that the purpose of the map printed on the back of the flag was to educate children about the geography of the country and to make them want to learn more about the different territories and provinces that make it up.

This error did not fail to provoke a reaction. On X, several Internet users were amused to see that the map chosen for the pamphlet had been approved by Mr. Naqvi’s teams.

But some also pointed out another inaccuracy.

“Happy Canada day! And may Prince Edward Island not disappear beneath the waves anytime soon. That said, Quebec should wake up and realize that it is a maritime province,” commented one of them.

On the map in question, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia are in fact drawn as forming a single large province.

“Parliamentary bulletins” like this one are paid for by the House of Commons and distributed free of charge by Canada Post to residents of each MP’s riding.




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