Win your tickets for the 15th anniversary of the Laser Game Evolution in Villeneuve d’Ascq!

Win your tickets for the 15th anniversary of the Laser Game Evolution in Villeneuve d’Ascq!
Win your tickets for the 15th anniversary of the Laser Game Evolution in Villeneuve d’Ascq!

Focus on Lille et Laser Game Evolution Villeneuve d’Ascq offer you please you for the 15th birthday party the Friday July 5, 2024 from 7 p.m. to midnight!

The Laser Game Evolution of Villeneuve d’Ascq celebrates its 15th anniversary on Friday July 5, 2024 from 7 p.m. to midnight. To mark this memorable birthday, the Laser Game team organise an evening with the theme: Hawaii.

Dive into a tropical atmosphere et put on your best Hawaiian outfits pour an evening full of action and fun!

Evening program:
Heartwarming welcome with flower necklaces,
Laser Game Challenges in the labyrinths,
Gifts for the best outfits,
Draw pour try to gain 2 places to Disneyland Paris,
Animations et activity galore!

Evening prohibited for under 16s. Minors aged 16 and over must be accompanied by an adult.

Codes Promo

The price is of 19€ per player. There is 2 codes promotion :

Laser15 = €15 per evening for the first 10

Laser17 = €17 per evening for the next 10

The reservation is done by telephone au 03 20 47 07 98 or online >>> Click here !!!

Practical information
Laser Game Evolution
Heron Park – UGC Building – Avenue de l’Avenir

Site internet de Laser Game Evolution

Zoom On Lille Competition

3 x 2 places to win for the 15th birthday party of Laser Game Evolution de Villeneuve d’Asc the Friday July 5, 2024 from 7 p.m. to midnight!

To play: complete the participation form below.
After drawing lots, you will receive information by email to collect your invitations (check your address carefully!).

Increase your chances of winning! Subscribe to our Facebook page Zoom Sur Lille, comment and share the post “Evening of the 15th anniversary of the Laser Game Evolution of Villeneuve d’Ascq”


The game is organized from June 24 to 30, 2024. Number of places in play: 3 x 2 places for the 15th birthday party on Friday July 5, 2024 from 7 p.m. to midnight. The draw among the correct answers will take place on June 30, 2024. The winners will be notified by email. Zoom Sur Lille – the organizer of this game – cannot be held responsible for sending prizes to an inaccurate address due to the winner’s negligence. If the prizes could not be delivered to their recipient for any reason whatsoever, regardless of the organizer’s wishes (the winner having moved without updating his address, etc.), they will definitively remain the property of the organizer. Participants are informed that the sale or exchange of prizes is strictly prohibited. Zoom Sur Lille cannot be held responsible for any incident/accident that may occur during the use of the lots. All brands or product names mentioned are registered trademarks of their respective owners. The gifts offered to winners by Zoom Sur Lille and its partner Laser Game Evolution Villeneuve d’Ascq are personal and cannot be exchanged for another product or service, nor refundable. They cannot under any circumstances constitute a credit on any product or service, either with Zoom Sur Lille or with the partner Laser Game Evolution Villeneuve d’Ascq. The winner cannot claim any financial equivalent from Zoom Sur Lille or Laser Game Evolution Villeneuve d’Ascq. Participation in the game implies acceptance of these conditions.

Source & images : DR – © Laser Game Evolution



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