2024 legislative elections in Lyon and the Rhône: in which constituency should I vote?

2024 legislative elections in Lyon and the Rhône: in which constituency should I vote?
2024 legislative elections in Lyon and the Rhône: in which constituency should I vote?


Nicolas Zaugra

Published on

June 29, 2024 at 8:34 a.m.

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The first round of the legislative elections takes place this Sunday, June 30, the second round on July 7, 2024. In the Rhône department, 14 constituencies are divided, four of which are located in the commune of Lyon.

Are you lost and wondering in which constituency you are going to vote this Sunday?

The list of candidates in the 14 constituencies in the first round can be found in our article.

Here is which constituency you vote in depending on your municipality of residence, in the Rhône.

Read also

  • 2024 Legislative Elections in Lyon: Who are the officially invested candidates?

For Lyon, some districts are divided into several constituencies. It is advisable to find your constituency and polling station based on your address on the official website of the City of Lyon.

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How do I find my municipality in the article?

On a computer, simply use the “Ctrl + F” keys for PCs, or “Apple + F” for Macs and type the name of your city.

1st district of Rhône

  • 5th arrondissement of Lyon
  • A piece of the 9th arrondissement
  • A piece of the 2nd arrondissement
  • A large piece of the 7th arrondissement
  • A little piece of the 8th arrondissement

2nd constituency of the Rhône:

  • A piece of the 2nd arrondissement of Lyon
  • 1st district
  • 4th district
  • Part of the 9th arrondissement

3rd district of the Rhône

  • Part of the 3rd arrondissement of Lyon
  • Part of the 7th arrondissement
  • Part of the 8th arrondissement

4th district of the Rhône

  • Part of the 8th arrondissement
  • Part of the 3rd arrondissement
  • 6th district

5th district of the Rhône

  • Quincieux
  • The Dear
  • Marcilly-d’Azergues
  • Civrieux-d’Azergues
  • Lissieu
  • Chasselay
  • Saint-Germain-au-Mont-d’Or
  • Poleymieux-au-Mont-d’Or
  • Genay
  • Curis-au-Mont-d’Or
  • Neuville-sur-Saone
  • Albigny-sur-Saône
  • Montanay
  • Fleurieu-sur-Saône
  • Cailloux-sur-Fontaines
  • Fontaines-Saint-Martin
  • Fountains-on-Saone
  • Rochetaillée-sur-Saône
  • Couzon-au-Mont-d’Or
  • Saint-Romain-au-Mont-d’Or
  • Collonges-au-Mont-d’Or
  • Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d’Or
  • Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d’Or
  • Limonest
  • Caluire-et-Cuire

6th district of the Rhône

  • Villeurbanne

7th district of the Rhône

  • Bron
  • Vaulx-en-Velin
  • Rillieux-la-Pape
  • sathonay-camp
  • sathonay-village

8th district of Rhône

  • Écully
  • Champagne-au-Mont-d’Or
  • Dardilly
  • The Tower of Salvagny
  • Dommartin
  • Lentilly
  • Fleurieux-sur-l’Arbresle
  • Sourieux-les-Mines
  • Saint-Pierre-la-Palud
  • Chevinay
  • I want
  • Sain-Bel
  • Chatillon
  • Saint-Germain-Nuelles
  • The Tree
  • Saint-Germain-Nuelles
  • Bully
  • Savigny
  • Bibost
  • Bessenay
  • Saint-Julien-sur-Bibost
  • Saint-Romain-de-Popey
  • Sarcey
  • The Breuil
  • Chessy-les-Mines
  • Bagnols
  • Légny
  • The Olmes
  • Pontcharra-sur-Turdine
  • Saint-Forgeux
  • Affoux
  • Saint-Marcel-l’Eclairé
  • Joux
  • Tarare
  • Saint-Loup
  • Right now
  • Saint-Verand
  • Val d’Oingt
  • Moire
  • Borders
  • Theizé
  • Jarnioux
  • Town-on-Jarnioux
  • Saint-Clément-sous-Valsonne
  • Ternand
  • Ladder
  • Tenth
  • Valsonne
  • The Savages
  • Amplepuis
  • Saint-Jean-la-Bussiere
  • Thizy-Les-Bourgs
  • Course
  • Ranchal
  • Hen-the-Echarmeaux
  • Chénelette
  • Claveisolles
  • Lamure-sur-Azergues
  • Chambost-Allières
  • Chamelet
  • Saint-Just-d’Avray
  • Saint-Appolinaire
  • Ronno
  • Cublize
  • Grown up
  • Meaux-la-Montagne
  • Saint-Bonnet-le-Troncy
  • Saint-Nizier-d’Azergues

9th district of Rhône:

  • Lozanne
  • Chazay-d’Azergues
  • Saint-Jean-des-Vignes
  • Belmont-d’Azergues
  • Charnay
  • Morancé
  • Lucenay
  • Amberieux
  • Alix
  • Marcy
  • Lachassagne
  • Anse
  • Apple trees
  • Gate of Golden Stones
  • Pyramid
  • Villefranche-sur-Saône
  • Gleizé
  • Lacenas
  • Cogny
  • breath
  • Denicé
  • Rivolet
  • Montmelas-Saint-Sorlin
  • Saint-Julien
  • Saint-Georges-de-Reneins
  • Blacé
  • Rooms-Arbuissonnas-in-Beaujolais
  • Saint-Cyr-le-Chatoux
  • Saint-Etienne-des-Oullières
  • Charentay
  • Oden
  • Quincié-en-Beaujolais
  • Saint-Lager
  • Belleville
  • Saint-Jean-d’Ardières
  • Cercié
  • Marchampt
  • Plugs
  • Dracé
  • Corcelles-en-Beaujolais
  • Villié-Morning
  • Régnié-Durette
  • Lantignié
  • Nice game
  • Saint-Didier-sur-Beaujeu
  • Vernay
  • Les Ardillats
  • Propières
  • Azolette
  • Saint-Clément-de-Vers
  • Saint-Igny-de-Vers
  • Aigueperse
  • Saint-Bonnet-des-Bruyères
  • Saint-Christophe-la-Montagne
  • Trades
  • Saint-Jacques-des-Arrests
  • Cenves
  • Julienas
  • Chénas
  • Flowery
  • Launched
  • Monsols
  • Saint-Mamert
  • Ouroux
  • Vauxrenard
  • Chiroubles

10th district of Rhône:

  • Saint-Genis-Laval
  • Vourles
  • Brignais
  • Chaponost
  • You toast
  • Craponne
  • Saint-Genis-les-Ollieres
  • Holy Consorce
  • Marcy-l’Etoile
  • Charbonnières-les-Bains
  • Grezieu-la-Varenne
  • Pollionnay
  • Vaugneray
  • Messimy
  • Thurins
  • Yzeron
  • Courzieu
  • Saint-Martin-en-Haut
  • Montromant
  • The pigeons
  • Larajasse
  • Foot
  • La Chapelle-sur-Coise
  • Brussieu
  • Saint-Genis-l’Argentière
  • Aveize
  • Saint-Symphorien-sur-Coise
  • Grézieu-le-Marché
  • Saint-Laurent-de-Chamousset
  • Brullioles
  • Saint-Clement-les-Places
  • Montrottier
  • Upper Ivory
  • Longessaigne
  • Chambost-Longessaigne
  • Villechenève
  • Halls
  • Souzy

11th district of Rhône

  • Condrieu
  • Tupin-and-Semons
  • Ampuis
  • Saint-Cyr-sur-le-Rhône
  • Sainte-Colombe
  • Lanyards
  • Hedges
  • Saint-Romain-en-Gal
  • Loire-sur-Rhône
  • Trier
  • Echalas
  • Givors
  • Saint-Romain-en-Gier
  • Saint-Jean-de-Touslas
  • Saint-Andeol-le-Château
  • Chassagny
  • Chabanière
  • Riverie
  • Sainte-Catherine
  • Saint-André-la-Côte
  • Chaussan
  • Morning
  • Chassagny
  • Saint-Laurent-d’Agny
  • Taluyers
  • Soucieu-en-Jarrest
  • Grigny
  • Ternay
  • Sérézin-du-Rhône
  • Communay
  • Saint-Symphorien-d’Ozon
  • Simandres
  • Marennes
  • Chaponnay
  • Saint-Pierre-de-Chandieu
  • Toussieu
  • Minor

12th constituency of the Rhône:

  • Tassin-la-Half-Moon
  • Francheville
  • Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon
  • La Mulatière
  • Oullins-Pierre-Bénite
  • Irigny
  • Charly
  • Vernaison

13th district of Rhône:

  • Saint-Laurent-de-Mure
  • Colombier-Saugnieu
  • Pusignan
  • Jonage
  • John
  • Meyzieu
  • Gene
  • Saint-Priest (eastern half)
  • Chassieu
  • Décines-Charpieu

14th constituency of the Rhône:

  • Venissieux
  • Saint-Priest (east half)
  • Corbas
  • Solaize
  • Feyzin
  • Saint-Fons

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