Update on the file.
Present during the session of the Lot Chamber of Agriculture on November 19, 2024, Nicolas Fournié, president of the AOC and Sébastien Sigaud, co-presidents of the UIVC, took stock of the harvesting plan for the vineyard in the department. “750 hectares will be uprooted. France AgriMer will rule in mid-December. We are at 16% of the Lot surface area. Around ten winegrowers stop their activity, i.e. 185 hectares. We are the 3rd vineyard in terms of surface loss. There was a lot of work done by the union and customs. We will gain in competitiveness, in efficiency,” explained Nicolas Fournié. “We are in the process of repositioning. France AgriMer must not forget restructuring. Communities like Grand Cahors, the Lot Valley and the Vignoble are at our side like the Chamber of Agriculture. Now, we must create tomorrow,” underlined Sébastien Sigaud. The two men did not fail to target 2 issues that must be addressed: wastelands and stumps. Finally, the new appellation of the Union des Vins de Cahors et des Côtes du Lot (including the wines of Rocamadour and Glanes) should see the light of day in January 2025. To be continued…
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