Special family reunion – Roanne (42300)

Special family reunion – Roanne (42300)
Special family reunion – Roanne (42300)

A settling of family scores, this is what the Roanne court had to judge, Wednesday June 19, during an immediate appearance hearing.

In family The first three being accused and victims, the last being only a civil party. Everyone was in the same room; almost a miracle given their obvious disagreement.

A vulgar meeting in a supermarket parking lot

Because ten days earlier, it was in a vulgar supermarket parking lot in Roanne that they had met to settle their scores. A “rather unusual family reunion,” Claudine Charre, the president of the hearing, would describe it.

After insulting each other through messages, father, son and daughter wanted to “explain” themselves with, visibly, violence. One had a baseball bat in her trunk “just in case.” Which had been used by his brother to attack the father’s car. And the son-in-law in the story, why was he in the middle of this very angry little world? He had passed his girlfriend and his brother-in-law in the car and wanted to “protect” them from their father whom he always hated. Him, this 53-year-old man with a very serious criminal record, who allegedly ignited the situation by pushing his daughter and brandishing a pruning knife, which he always denied having in his hand. He, who had received one or more blows to the left forearm in the surge of violence.

Three times six months

The court, after having widely heard the context in which all the protaganists have been operating for many years, sentenced the father to six months in prison for the violence against his son and his stepson, and to a fine of €200 for having pushed his daughter.

The son, well warned by the judges that this was “the last chance before detention”, also received a solid six months, but to be executed under an electronic bracelet.

For the stepson, already convicted eight times by the court, his little excursion to the parking lot cost even more: six months in prison with continued detention, in addition to the revocation of a previous probationary suspension of up to of six months.



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