In Beauvais, the New Popular Front will seek out abstainers on the Argentine market

In Beauvais, the New Popular Front will seek out abstainers on the Argentine market
In Beauvais, the New Popular Front will seek out abstainers on the Argentine market
Candidates Lundy and Seck were supported this Monday morning by Philippe Enjolras, Mohrad Laghrari, Hatice Kilink-Siginir and Mamadou Bathily.

Together, Roxane Lundy (Generation.s) for the first constituency and Marianne Seck (LFI) for the second were in towing operation this Monday, June 24 in the morning, on the market Argentina neighborhoodhas Beauvais (Oise). Less than a week before the first round of the legislative elections, the two candidates were on a seduction operation in a district where abstentionism largely dominates. The Monday morning market therefore proved to be a suitable playground for convincing an electorate still hesitant to go to the polling stations this weekend.

Weight supports

To swell the ranks, already made up of substitutes Thierry Aury and Cyril Girardeau, several Beauvais elected officials were present: Mohrad Laghrari, Hatice Kilinc-Siginir, Mamadou Bathily et Philippe Enjolras. More than welcome support for the candidates representing the left in their constituency. “The candidates of the New Popular Front (NFP) are the only ones to bring together such diverse and varied peopleMohrad Laghrari justifies himself. The NFP brings people together and gives hope. That’s why we’re here.»

Philippe Enjolras, for his part, justifies his presence by the unambiguous positioning of the NFP vis-à-vis the National Rally. “If tomorrow we have the RN against anyone in the second round, I have not the shadow of a doubt that the NFP candidates will call to vote against“, he says. A tackle to the outgoing MP Victor Habert-Dassault (LR) who, according to Roxane Lundy, did not denounce the agreement between The Republicans and the National Rally. “People don’t know what could happen if they come to power, continue Philippe Enjolras. The other reason for my support is the desire to have social progress, especially for the less fortunate.

Former president of the Oise Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Philippe Enjolras was not necessarily expected to support the New Popular Front. And yet. “When I was defeated in the ICC elections, I said I was going to regain my total freedom of expressionhe whispers. But I was one of the CCI presidents most focused on sustainable development.»

“Something is happening” for Mohrad Laghrari

For Mamadou Bathily, supporting the NFP is “a civic duty». «The Republic is threatened. We must do everything to get people to vote. There are quite a few voters that we can mobilize here.» «If we get 300 to 400 voters in each office, that could tip the scalessupports Mohrad Laghrari. I feel something is happening. This is the first time young people have asked me how to vote. Some even sold themselves by telling me that they had never gone to vote when they claimed the opposite», they smile.

But the mission does not appear to be so simple. In Argentina, the abstention rate always remains very high in each election. So the candidates also plan to tow on the outskirts of Beauvais, in the rural areas almost won by the National Rally. “We are going door to door in Grandvilliers this afternoon, we were in Saint-Martin-le-Noeud yesterday», Indicates Marianne Seck. “We will be in Maignelay-Montigny tomorrowcontinue Roxane Lundy. We don’t spend our time taking selfies and saying “look, we’re here”. We are fighting, it is in-depth work.»

Two absent: Leila Dagdad and Mehdi Rahoui

This Monday morning, two left-wing elected officials from Beauvais were absent from the small gathering organized by the New Popular Front: Leila Dagdad and Mehdi Rahoui. The two elected officials regret not having been consulted on the choice of candidates for these two constituencies, and continue to mark their distance from the latter.

“We have taken note of the nominations of the candidates for the constituencies in our territory,” explains the socialist section of Beauvais in a press release. Without ever having consulted us, the local leaders of the New Popular Front nominated candidates without ever associating us while Raphaël Glucksman’s list came at the top of the left. (..) We regret this contempt because the situation is serious: the National Rally is at the gates of power and all forces must be united to combat the ideas of the Le Peniste party.”

Before recalling the scene which took place during the last municipal council of Beauvais, Thursday June 20, where Thierry Aury (PCF) joked about the fact that Leila Dagdad was part of the majority. “This aggressiveness again and again deprives the left of a victory in Beauvais, because the local elections will not be won without all the socialists. We would like to tell Thierry Aury that we are not waiting for the approval of any “Politburo” to think and act. (…) The time of the Soviet Union is over, no offense.”

Regarding the legislative elections, the press release concludes with this sentence: “responsible and wishing to protect the Republic, we will take our freedom as voters to beat the RN.” For the next municipal elections, the tone is set.



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