SENEGAL-PRESSE-REVUE / The announcement of the temporary cessation of flour production, one of the highlighted subjects – Senegalese press agency

SENEGAL-PRESSE-REVUE / The announcement of the temporary cessation of flour production, one of the highlighted subjects – Senegalese press agency
SENEGAL-PRESSE-REVUE / The announcement of the temporary cessation of flour production, one of the highlighted subjects – Senegalese press agency

Dakar, June 24 (APS) – The daily newspapers received by APS on Monday deal with various subjects, including the decision of millers to temporarily stop flour production, in connection with the drop in prices of consumer goods.

“The reduction in the price of baguettes decided by the new regime does not approve of the Association of Millers and Industrialists of Senegal (AMIS). The latter thus announces a cessation of bread production today, to mark its disagreement,” announces the newspaper Le Quotidien.

The millers consider that this “periodic and collective stoppage of production [permettraient] to slow down the level of undue losses on a daily basis,” explains the daily L’As.

“We are heading towards days without bread”, writes Walfquotidien, according to which the millers “believe that applying lower prices would amount to contravening the law which prohibits selling at a loss”.

Tribune notes that they are therefore engaging in “arm wrestling with [Ousmane] Sonko”, the Prime Minister, who has been in charge for several weeks to reduce the prices of basic necessities.

“Senegal’s millers do not intend to comply with the decision to lower the price of flour”, arguing that they “cannot send the entire sector adrift”, reports the daily L’info.

According to Bès Bi Le Jour, the millers’ decision to temporarily stop flour production is motivated by “the continued rise in wheat costs and the ‘absence’ of clarity on the terms of financial compensation”.

They are therefore calling for “an urgent dialogue with the authorities”, indicates the daily Les Echos. “The millers suddenly learned of this drop without consultation”, even though a consensus had not been found last May with Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko, argues an official from the association of industrial millers of Senegal, in reports. remarks reported by the same newspaper.

More generally, Source A is interested in the strategy that the authorities intend to implement to enforce “the new prices of bread, sugar, oil and cement”, set following a meeting of the Council national consumption.

The authorities “announced a battery of measures ranging from the recruitment of volunteers to the increase in the number of brigades and commercial services, including the contribution of law enforcement, village chiefs, neighborhood chiefs and Bajenu Gox ”, reports Source A.

On a completely different subject, that relating to governance, the daily Kritik’ announces that “the accountability promises to be epic and painful for the authorities under attack. [pour] embezzlement of public funds”.

“Between the summons for clarifications and hearings and the probable committal warrants to be served, the public prosecutor will have his work cut out for him but it is above all for the fate of the accused that the fear is great to see the hand of the vigilante buried in a political velvet gang”.

Le Soleil announces that the marketing of oil from the Sangomar field will begin at the beginning of July. “The first commercial cargo […] is expected in early July. An annual production of 11.7 million barrels of crude oil is planned for 2024, including a volume of 4.34 million intended for the domestic market,” specifies the newspaper.




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