Taxes: Rich English leave London for Switzerland

Taxes: Rich English leave London for Switzerland
Taxes: Rich English leave London for Switzerland

And yes, no offense to some, Switzerland is still considered a tax haven by very wealthy foreigners. A reputation confirmed by the new wave of rich English people who decided to settle there, in order to avoid taxation in Great Britain. Indeed, the tax authorities among the Anglo-Saxons are rather greedy and, when the time to think about inheritance arrives, many people prefer to leave their native land. To give you an idea, the United Kingdom levies inheritance tax of 40% on wealth that exceeds the threshold of 325,000 pounds (a little less than 370,000 francs at the current exchange rate).

The “Tages Anzeiger” interviewed a professional from a British financial consultancy firm. He reports to the German-speaking daily that “requests to leave the United Kingdom have tripled over the last year”. And this figure is expected to rise further, as polls indicate that the Labor opposition is expected to come to power after the July 4 elections. Tax rules should therefore be tightened further. According to the firm interviewed, no less than 9,500 millionaires are expected to leave the United Kingdom for another country where taxation is more attractive this year. According to forecasts, 1,500 will choose Switzerland to settle there.



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