Running: Jérémy Lenormand favorite on Trail de la Haut de Gantoise

Running: Jérémy Lenormand favorite on Trail de la Haut de Gantoise
Running: Jérémy Lenormand favorite on Trail de la Haut de Gantoise

Lenormand in favorite

Two trails are offered to runners, the first, with a distance of 19 km (D + 650 m) and the second of 12.5 km (D + 360 m). The most athletic walkers will be able to measure themselves on a timed course of 10 km (D + 360 m), while those who enjoy a bucolic walk will take part in the free-paced hike of 6 km (D + 200 m).

The poster suggests some great duels with intensity. The 19 km trail seems tailor-made for the neo-Gant resident Jérémy Lenormand, after his victories this year on similar profiles to the Costalats and the Chamois trail. Philippe Lambin, 3rd at the start of the month in Artigueloutan, will claim a place on the podium. On the women’s side, Céline Alegre, 5th in Montan’Aspe, 3 weeks ago, could achieve the hat-trick, after her victories in 2022 and 2023. Over 12.5 km, Valentin Creux, 2nd last year could climb to the top step from the podium. On the move, Sylvie Lopes should win, after her victory last week on the flat Oloronaise course, as long as she manages to digest the difference in altitude.

Useful information

Registrations on the website until Friday 6/28 at 8 p.m. Fees: €15 for the 19 km and €12 for the 12.5 km; 10 euros for the timed walk and 5 euros for the hike. Registrations will be accepted on site, on the day of the tests from 7:30 a.m. Collection of bibs: in front of the Saint-Pierre chapel, on the day of the race from 7:30 a.m.
Departure times: 8am for the 19km trail, 8:05am for the 12.5km trail, 8:10am for the timed walk and hike. Showers, refreshments and food on site. Additional information: by telephone on 07 66 55 62 67.



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