Biden believes he did “well” against Trump

Biden believes he did “well” against Trump
Biden believes he did “well” against Trump

The American president, who points out that it is “hard to debate in the face of a liar”, missed a crucial opportunity to reassure the millions of Americans in front of their screens about his vitality and health.

Joe Biden will be satisfied with that. The President of the United States, a candidate for re-election in the 2024 American presidential election, declared on Thursday, June 27, that he had “done well” during his debate against Donald Trump, while reactions to the Democratic president’s performance are much more mixed, even within his own camp.

“I think we did pretty well,” Biden said during a stop at a restaurant in Georgia, saying it’s “tough to debate a liar.”

Biden confused and borrowed

In the opinion of experts, with his confidence and despite his numerous lies, Donald Trump dominated the first debate of the American presidential election against a Joe Biden who was offensive in substance, but very confused in form.

The 81-year-old president, who had called for this face-off with his Republican predecessor to take place early in the campaign, missed a crucial opportunity to reassure millions of Americans in front of their screens about his vitality and health.

On stage, the Democratic leader often appeared confused, mincing his words and getting confused more than once.

Donald Trump, convicted in criminal proceedings at the end of May, largely imposed his style, multiplying exaggerations and untruths, particularly on immigration, without intervention from the two CNN journalists hosting the evening.

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