Mediation, a tool for growth

Mediation, a tool for growth
Mediation, a tool for growth

Cultural mediation, the expression is in tune with the times. Euphoric Mouvance, like many other structures, spreads the cultural word to a school audience. “Not as a simple fun break, but as a real plus towards the development of young people. »

“The purposes are educational, recreational, social and civic. » The objective is ambitious. Bruno Bonjean, director of Euphoric Mouvance, a professional theater company based in Bellerive, has been largely involved in cultural mediation in schools for years.

“Very different from what we bring to the young people who come to our theater school. There is necessarily a form of volunteering that does not exist among middle school and high school students. And yet, there must be an educational requirement. Bring about an encounter, a crush or a strong rejection, but something. »

For a long time, cultural mediation was carried out in a place dedicated to art, museum or heritage. There, “an ordinary classroom, an author and a text that we offer. » This year, the Albert-London high school students focused on Richard III and his monstrosity, both physical and moral.

“Go find the monster”

“Be careful, we are in Shakespeare, we will have to rise to the occasion. Don’t hesitate to set the bar a little high. Go find the monster, the other one inside you, and the one opposite you. The adventure is collective. We are very much in cultural appropriation, but also in living together. » As we can see, the objectives are numerous.

Of course there is some frying in the lines, but “if we must be kind, we must not waste these moments. In the end, there are always nice surprises. » As with the younger public at the Bellerive and Saint-Dominique colleges in Vichy. “There, we’re more about getting to know each other. To position yourself in front of a group. In speaking. In the acceptance of the other. It’s so important at that age. »

The actress Ariane Bernard works with more specific audiences. “The Bac pro girls who have often experienced devalued career paths. The local Missions with their young people battered by life. Speaking, improvisation, role playing. Restore confidence, a positive outlook on yourself. We are here to help them take a step towards autonomy. Our place is to be identified between educational action and cultural action. »

Ariane and Bruno are convinced of their role as conduits to distant or impeded audiences. “Society must support the integration of all young people. »



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