The social grocery store under construction

The social grocery store under construction
The social grocery store under construction

Work on the future social and solidarity grocery store in Saint-Dizier began last May and will be completed next October. A site visit was organized.

“After two years of work, the project of the new social and solidarity grocery store has made good progress. It has evolved in order to best respond to the beneficiary populations “, noted Virginia Clausse, solidarity assistant, on June 13.

Indeed, the future structure, located in the city center, will not only have a food vocation, other services will be offered such as an educational kitchen, support for people in difficulty and workshops around self-confidence. self. As for the construction site, it started later than planned because the City, which purchased the real estate complex made up of two cells (at 27 and 27 bis avenue de La République), had difficulty finding a space of 100 m2 located in the heart of the city and accessible to as many people as possible.

In addition, a few surprises were discovered at the start of the project, including tiled ceilings and a wooden floor in very poor condition.

A budget of 180,000 euros excluding tax is dedicated to the work. Once completed, they will allow the public to be welcomed in optimal conditions.

“At the entrance, there will be a sales area and the cash register (on the left). An educational kitchen and a table for twelve people will be installed, as will an office for an employee and a reserve.”explained Florence Harmand, project management manager.

The grocery store, with a surface area of ​​60 m2, will include products from donations or producer surplus. A gondola, with fruits and vegetables, will also be installed as well as refrigerators.

Accessible to everyone

The project to create the social and solidarity grocery store comes from the Bethesda Protestant Family Association (AFPB). Volunteers alone could not implement such a project.

“Given their desire to succeed, it was logical for the City to provide support in terms of engineering, logistics and fundraising.”said Mayor Quentin Brière.


A community that relied on partners and financiers. The project is subsidized up to 75% by private, public and associative actors. The social and solidarity grocery store will be accessible to all, for a fee.

As for the beneficiaries of social minimums, “we will establish a specific affection grid for the grocery store because some already have food aid from charitable associations”specified Marie-Estelle Czekata, director of the Municipal Center for Social Action (CCAS).

In the event of a one-off difficulty, people not benefiting from social financial aid, because they are just above the income rating, will be able to go to the sales area using a link form and guidance from the CCAS.



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