Lapeira champion of France at home

Lapeira champion of France at home
Lapeira champion of France at home

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The peloton during the French cycling championship, in Saint-Martin-de-Landelles, on June 23.

“I dreamed of it, I’m five kilometers from home, these are the roads I’ve been training on since I was little, the race was perfect”declared the 24-year-old runner, overcome by emotion after his victory.

Author of a brilliant start to 2024, the Norman confirmed in the most beautiful way in Saint-Martin-de-Landelles (Manche), where his training was expected.

“It’s a pretty unique moment, we’ve been waiting for this French champion jersey for 17 years”, explained team boss Vincent Lavenu. The weekend was perfect for his men, Lapeira’s title coming 48 hours after that of rider Bruno Armirail during the time trial.

“Collective work”

This harvest punctuates a flamboyant first part of the season: with 26 victories, the French team occupies third place in the world in the UCI rankings, and is approaching the summer with ambitions.

Decathlon-Ag2r team cyclist Paul Lapeira after his victory at the French championship in Saint-Martin-de-Landelles on June 23.

Starting with three laps to go to get into the leading group, the native of Fougères took advantage of a demanding circuit and the help of his teammate Nicolas Prodhomme at the front to widen the gap. Behind, the big names tried to react by multiplying attacks like the Groupama-FDJ of the outgoing winner Valentin Madouas or Julian Alaphilippe.

But in the Channel, the Decathlon-AG2R team had several advantages and its men perfectly controlled the offensives of the double world champion and Romain Grégoire, among the most restless.

The other Norman leader of the team, Benoît Cosnefroy, jumped on all wheels to leave a comfortable margin for his young teammate, the result of a “big collective work”according to Lavenu.

The group of three men at the front, also made up of Julien Bernard and Thomas Gachignard, had a lead of up to a minute, and were able to maintain the gap on their pursuers.

Winner for the first time in the World Tour during the second stage of the Tour of the Basque Country in April, Lapeira managed the final with maturity to dominate Julien Bernard in the sprint.

The Lidl-Trek team runner must be content with second place, after his bronze medal won in Kassel in 2023.

After a successful start to the season and a very promising Ardennes campaign, marked by a fifth place in the Amstel Gold Race and an 11th place during Liège-Bastogne-Liège, Lapeira continues.

He is a boy who has asserted himself, who is progressing and who has reached a very good world level. He wins on his land so I understand the fervor of the Norman public at his side”, rejoiced Vincent Lavenu.

The Tour and the Games?

“There is a good chance that you will see me on the roads of the Tour”declared the champion with a smile after the finish, while the Decathlon-AG2R selection for the Grande Boucle (June 29-July 21), which will start on Saturday from Florence, will be revealed on Monday June 24.

The peloton at the French cycling championship, in Saint-Martin-de-Landelles, on June 23.

In front of his fan club and under the eyes of national coach Thomas Voeckler, Lapeira also took advantage of the demanding circuit covered 13 times to position himself, just over a month before the Olympic Games, and while the composition of the team France will be announced on July 8.

The other candidates for the Games had more varied fortunes: Valentin Madouas took sixth place while Julian Alaphilippe showed a lot of desire and good legs, in the wake of his successful Giro (a stage victory).

European champion Christophe Laporte was more discreet before becoming Jonas Vingegaard’s lieutenant during the Tour de France.




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