Results of a study on the strategic directions of the anti-corruption policy to be revealed soon –

Selon Rachdi, “Based on the results of the work relating to the study of the strategic orientations of the State in the fight against corruption, the INPPLC will launch in the coming weeks a vast operation to share the results of the study with all the authorities and other parties concerned”.

The active engagement of the private sector in the development of the national anti-corruption strategy since 2012 was highlighted by Rachdi, illustrating a participation ranging from diagnosis to the formulation of the strategy and its priorities. In particular, he mentioned the participation of the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (CGEM) as a member of the National Anti-Corruption Committee, coordinating program No. 8 dedicated to the business world, while the coordination of the other nine programs remains under the responsibility of the ministers.

Rachdi also stressed the importance of the fight against corruption, which has been recognized for decades by the international community, aimed at containing its harmful effects on development, social cohesion and the stability of States. This recognition takes into account the growing complexity of the phenomenon with the evolution of financial networks, technologies and innovations used by criminals to increase their illicit gains to the detriment of citizens and dynamics based on healthy and fair competition, releasing energies and promoting inclusive and sustainable development.

The Rabat meeting, according to Rachdi, reflects a common desire to broaden and stimulate a forum of ideas, discussions and perspectives for the private sector of the countries participating in this initiative.



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