The programming of the Veillées d’Availles is attractive

The programming of the Veillées d’Availles is attractive
The programming of the Veillées d’Availles is attractive

Veillées d’Availles is a village program of concerts and shows, offered every year from March to September.

After the concert evening proposed mid-June 2024 in the church with Anaïs Renaudie and Simon Girard and their show Skins, The appointment is again on Sunday July 21 with the show Ritournelle, by Éric Proud and Mylène Audoin, from the Compagnie Sur Quelle Pied Danser. ” And a theatrical, poetic and musical dance performance, Ritournelle is alone, only alone. Like every evening, she goes home and prepares, prepares herself to welcome the one who still will not arrive…

Wood gestures: a beautiful edition

Veillées d’Availles is also an annual event like Gestes du bois, which took place on June 2 on the Place d’Availles-sur-Chizé, where the exhibitions and activities caused a sensation on the Place du Beth.

After a timid start under an overcast sky, a small audience was particularly attracted by the exhibitions, in particular those of magnificent trees produced by pupils from the primary schools of Fors and Saint-Martin-de-Bernegoue. The pupils of Fors received the first departmental prize for citizenship at school for this project and these achievements on the theme of the abolition of slavery.

Then and more massively, the public arrived for the touching choir of Genêts, until the apotheosis of the show Trio of kids, from the Chap’ de Lune company, with no fewer than 90 spectators. « During the day, about 150 people came by: the sculpture workshop was always full and the children really concentrated on pyrography or making little polymer clay figures. Good humor all afternoon, lots of laughter, both during the woodcutting competition and the final show. », reports with satisfaction Pauline Favard, co-organizer of the event.

The log competition, suggested by Daniel Barré, former forester and mayor of the town, was particularly lively.

Availles vigils, next events: “Ritournelle” at 6 p.m. Sunday July 21; concert and folk ball (Breton festival) Sunday 1is September: “Tant va la cruche à l’eau” at 8:30 p.m. Saturday, September 28. Free entry and participation.



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