“Surprise weekend” with the “Sunny Side Up Duo”

“Surprise weekend” with the “Sunny Side Up Duo”
“Surprise weekend” with the “Sunny Side Up Duo”

Sunday June 30, 2024

Summer has come and Place Levanneur comes alive with the “Sunny Side Up Duo”.
Beautiful musical atmosphere in perspective!

Presentation of the group “Sunny Side Up Duo” (taken from the linkaband site)
“Sunny Side Up Duo” is a traveling rock/folk/reggae band. On the street or in Irish pubs, the two multi-instrumentalists try to bring a smile and a little ray of sunshine to their audience.
Their compositions are more reggae style, and also many covers of various styles: rock, folk, reggae, country, Latin music, traditional Irish music…

Sunday June 30, 2024 from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. – Place Roger-Levanneur Montmorency – Free.

Sunday June 30, 2024

Summer has come and Place Levanneur comes alive with the “Sunny Side Up Duo”.
Beautiful musical atmosphere in perspective!

Presentation of the group “Sunny Side Up Duo” (taken from the linkaband site)
“Sunny Side Up Duo” is a traveling rock/folk/reggae band. On the street or in Irish pubs, the two multi-instrumentalists try to bring a smile and a little ray of sunshine to their audience.
Their compositions are more reggae style, and also many covers of various styles: rock, folk, reggae, country, Latin music, traditional Irish music…

Sunday June 30, 2024 from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. – Place Roger-Levanneur Montmorency – Free.



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