brunches, charcuterie and cheese boards

brunches, charcuterie and cheese boards
brunches, charcuterie and cheese boards

You are reading an episode of “Le Port Lympia, heritage and transitions”, one of the files in Nos Quartiers, the magazine that talks about you.

Recognized and renowned throughout the city for their copious and delicious brunches, Sam Fabien and Amar Gerot, who form “the boys”, also offer refined tapas and numerous wine references at dusk.

In their second establishment, rue Catherine-​Ségurane, which opened a little over a year ago, the two managers offer a rich menu for relaxing on the terrace or under the interior patio, in a warm atmosphere.

“We wanted to recreate the atmosphere of “Chez les Garçons” in a tapas-​apéro versionsmiles Sam Fabien. Alongside “Maison Volpatti” and “La Brasserie Artisanale de Nice”, we offer a wide range of wines and beers, in addition to the homemade cocktails that we make.”

As for the food, “pissaladière, Corsican sausage, guacamole, hummus, fish ceviche” or “saumon gravlax” are on the menu. Without forgetting, of course, the traditional charcuterie and cheese platters.

Learn more

  • Price: allow 20 euros for a glass of wine and a tapas
  • Hours: Wednesday to Saturday (10 a.m. to 10 p.m.) and Sunday (10 a.m. to 6 p.m.)
  • Address: 28, rue Catherine Segurane, 06300 Nice
  • Contact : 04 93 80 42 59


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