Colomiers. Great success for the Garonne Escalade Trophée

Colomiers. Great success for the Garonne Escalade Trophée
Colomiers. Great success for the Garonne Escalade Trophée

Last Sunday, a stage of the Garonne Escalade Trophée took place at the Eugène Montel high school gymnasium, a friendly competition organized each year within several clubs in the Haute-Garonne department. USC climbing therefore saw the exploits of 145 participants aged 6 to 17, including around thirty Columérins. An event masterfully organized by all the club volunteers, in the oven and at the mill for almost a week.

At the end of the day, the young climbers were presented with their rewards in the presence of Philippe Briançon, deputy mayor and delegate for sport and community and civic life, Agnès Fonquernie, assistant principal of the Columérin establishment and Dmiytro Bespalyi, a young Ukrainian athlete who competes internationally, came as a guest for this event. Three Columérins finished on the different podiums of the day, Elsa Garcia, second in the U12F category, Diego Gimenez, 3rd in U16G and Guillaume Gachelin, second in U18G.

Results by category

Category U8G, Pham Eliott, 278 points (316); category U10F, Munduteguy Lucile, 509 points (578); Category U10G, Pham Victor, 584 points (701); Category U12F, Guilhot Estelle, 852 points (1122); Category U12G, Payen Quentin, 1012 points (1233); Category U14G, Mouget Hassambay Hugo, 1226 points (1529); Category U14F, Carpentier Margot, 972 points (1273); Category U16G, Sartor Raphael, 1003 points (1306); Category U16F, Guilhot Agathe, 1078 points (1428); Category U18G, Rautureau Hugo, 919 points (1071).



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