These French cities where we vote RN

These French cities where we vote RN
These French cities where we vote RN

In Hénin-Beaumont, the Disneyland of the extreme right

The Italian daily The Republic presents it as “the brownest city in France” : Hénin-Beaumont, in Pas-de-Calais, is the stronghold of Marine Le Pen, the showcase of the RN. This depressed industrial city threw itself into the arms of the extreme right in 2014, and the party with the flame is achieving scores there “soviets” Since. “The mayor, Steeve Briois, has focused on order and decorum to make the city the Disneyland of the extreme right,” reports the Italian daily.

“He has installed 127 CCTV cameras and boasts of having cut taxes, reduced debt and reduced theft. He repeats his mantra: he is on the side of workers, while the left is on the side of immigrants. […] But beneath the mask of moderation, the ancient flame is there. Hidden.” Nurseries, funeral homes and swimming pools have been privatized, the opposition claims, which speaks of “social disintegration”.

In Fréjus, everything is under control

Nepotism, suspicions of corruption, attacks on the press, end of subsidies for neighborhood associations… The German newspaper The time looked into the action of the “the most important mayor there is” for Marine Le Pen, David Rachline, in power in Fréjus, in the Var, for ten years. An example of what could happen to France if the National Rally came to power at the beginning of July. This is the fear of Marie-José De Azevedo, a schoolteacher: “If the National Rally reigns, we will not recognize [notre] pays”, she says.

In fact, in Fréjus, things have changed, especially in the poor suburbs, he says. The time, which takes as an example the district of La Gabelle, where language courses and a nursery project have been cancelled. Social centres are closing due to lack of money. And opposition associations are forced to leave municipal spaces. “This is the case, for example, of an organization that campaigns against the concreting of the coast planned by Rachline,” affirms The time. “Once in power, the National Rally controls everything, from the media to the clubs,” summarizes De Azevedo.

In Provins, you have to try everything

The mirror went to Provins, in Seine-et-Marne, to meet the RN candidate, Julien Limongi (who won 47.64% of the vote in the first round), and those who support him. At the café as well as at the market, the taboo of voting RN has flown away, especially with regard to “these young people who present well” – understand Julien Limongi, 28 years old, the same age as Jordan Bardella.

The German weekly cites the example of Thierry, a civil servant, who has nothing against the idea of ​​voting RN: “At least they are not as chaotic as the leftists,” he said, before repeating the little phrase that we hear all the time in France at the moment: “We just have to let the RN do it, after all, we never tried.”



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