In Marseille, Reconquête bulletins are said to have remained in boxes

In Marseille, Reconquête bulletins are said to have remained in boxes
In Marseille, Reconquête bulletins are said to have remained in boxes

This Sunday, June 30, the first round of early legislative elections took place. In the first constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône, which concerns the IVeVeXeXIe and 12e districts of Marseille, the organization of the vote was not without its problems. Salomé Moyal, Reconquête candidate in this sector, was able to see this.

During the day, she received a call from a member of her party who wanted to vote for her. The latter informed her that, in her polling station, located in the XIe arrondissement, in the Camoins district, there are no ballots in her name. Without further ado, the candidate goes there to check for herself and sort out the situation.

Organized fraud?

As shown in the video she shot herself, she approached the president of the office upon her arrival, who told her “that there are no more ballots”. The candidate tells her that she has to call the office that handles restocking and that in the meantime, the office has to close. Then, she asks to see the boxes containing the ballots. And tells BV : “When the president opens the box, there are loads of them.” There are many bulletins in her name just waiting to be put in place. She adds: “When I saw the reports, everyone started stammering.”

For the candidate, who obtained 1.58% of the votes on Sunday evening, “It’s sabotage, a denial of democracy”. She understands easily “that people do not agree with Reconquest or with [s]ideas »not that one can “preventing people from voting. » Above all, it is difficult to believe that this was an error, she says, since she is not the only member of her party to have experienced problems during the first round in Bouches-du-Rhône.

Widespread fraud?

In some polling stations in Aix-en-Provence, from 3 p.m. onwards, the lack of ballots in the name of Charles Moyal prevented the Reconquête vote. The same thing happened at the Dromel school, in the 9th arrondissement.e district of Marseille, where the candidate of Eric Zemmour’s party in the second constituency, Jean-Marc Graffeo, probably lost a few votes due to lack of ballots, or even in the VIe district, where the bulletins were present in office 611 but had not been installed on the presentation table.

These shortcomings were particularly damaging for Zemmour’s party, which was deprived of votes for “technical” reasons. Although it had little chance of reaching the second round, Reconquête hoped to earn a little money during this election (1.60 euros per vote). Reconquête has not ruled out filing a complaint for “ invalidate the elections in the offices concerned “, where the absence of ballots was noted on the minutes, as Jean-Marc Graffeo indicated to BV.

For its part, contacted by telephone, the Marseille city hall did not respond to our requests. We therefore do not know if it was aware of these problems at the time of the vote. In any case, they cast doubt on the ability of the second city of France and its department to organize elections in compliance with the rules and on possible attempts to influence the result other than by voting. Between these errors, intentional or not, and the demonstrations that took place here and there against the results, the patriotic right has reason to worry.

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