Soft mobility: the city of Tarbes adopts an ambitious Bicycle Plan

Soft mobility: the city of Tarbes adopts an ambitious Bicycle Plan
Soft mobility: the city of Tarbes adopts an ambitious Bicycle Plan

the essential
In gestation for several months, the bicycle plan of the city of Tarbes has been validated by the municipal council. A real desire to make the city more accessible to two-wheelers.

After months of user surveys, numerous meetings with associations, and the results of a study entrusted to the specialist firm Immergis, the city of Tarbes’ bicycle plan is on its wheels. “The aim of this bicycle plan is to make the bicycle an alternative mode of transport to the car,” recalled Gérard Trémège, “we cannot replace it out of the blue, because technically, we cannot create cycle paths in all the streets. Nevertheless, we are determined to resolutely commit ourselves to this path.”
The study by the Immergis firm suggests two scenarios, one comprising a 42km cycle network, the second, less ambitious, of 36km. For a total cost, spread over 10 years, of approximately €13M (largely subsidized), if the “plus” option is adopted. “It is a significant investment, it is not just about creating cycle paths, but about offering a coherent structuring network, as well as services promoting the practice of cycling. This is not a display, it is a stated desire.”
Rebecca Caley (TCES), a long-time activist, praised the work. “We’re not hiding our pleasure! We must salute the great work of Marc Andrès, who has always listened. But now, we have to launch the sprint! Because the objective of the modal share of cycling of 12% in 2027 will be difficult to achieve, we are only at 4.3%, according to the study. But congratulations for having this will, everyone has something to gain, cyclists, but also pedestrians, and even motorists. I hope that of the two options, you will choose the most comprehensive one.”

“We started a long time ago”

Pierre Lagonelle, also an ardent defender of cycling, also praised the commitment of Marc Andrès, “always available and open”, while deploring “the waste of time, it should have been done a long time ago”. Never happy… A bit annoyed, Gérard Trémège first praised the “encouragement” of Rebecca Caley, while recalling that if it was a collective work, he was still at the origin. “As for you, Mr. Lagonelle, know that your plan, proposed by Vélorution, is totally absurd, it would cost between 30 and 50 M€. And we have not wasted any time, the bicycle plan, we started it years ago, each time we carry out an urban development, we integrate, when possible, a cycle path. Recently, avenue du Corps-Franc-Pommiès, or rue Larrey. The idea now is to create a network. But it won’t be easy, there are technical constraints, the Immergis firm has examined all the possibilities, going so far as to suggest cycle lanes on sections of around fifty metres… Of course, that doesn’t make sense. We are convinced that it is a necessary investment, but we must not do just anything, the investment is substantial, but our objectives are clear,” insisted Gérard Trémège, “we must now align the demand, which is strong, with the future supply in terms of soft transport. There are several challenges to be met, first of all creating a coherent network from the existing one, while ensuring the safety of users, of all users.”

“Start the sprint”

As requested by Rebecca Caley, we will now have to launch the sprint. For the moment, no precise timetable has been set, but the will is there. Pascal Claverie reminded us: “We can’t do everything overnight. We have decided on a course, we will stick to it. Now, making pretty things, drawing routes on a map, is easy, but the reality is sometimes different. There are and will be technical constraints, developments to create, or even invent. And we will also have to manage conflicts of use, with pedestrians, the elderly. We must take it step by step.” Marc Andrès, the architect of the plan, stressed that he was not alone. “It is a team effort, and I mention in passing that Tarbes devotes €18/inhabitant to cycling, which is 10 times more than the national average.”



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