Montauban. Community council: a municipal council

Montauban. Community council: a municipal council
Montauban. Community council: a municipal council

the essential
Social diversity and finances were on the menu of a copious community council meeting. 50 files, reminiscent of those of the recent municipal council, were voted on in three hours

Thursday evening’s community council was a carbon copy of the municipal council from the day before. Around fifty files, including those on social housing and the diversity that goes with it, the 2023 administrative account and the supplementary budget, an indigestible pensum made edible by Thierry Deville, the finance assistant. With three hours flat, the elected officials almost missed the Montauban rap evening on stage.

After a first salvo to the municipal council on the insufficiency of social housing in Montauban as part of the 2023-2025 social diversity contract, Rodolphe Portoles gave a layer to the scale of Grand Montauban by targeting the municipalities of Montbeton and Bressols , they are also affected by the Urban Renewal Scheme (SRU) law. Bressols is supposed to build 65 housing units by 2025 and Montbeton 74.

“Article 55 of the SRU law ruined me”

“The issue of social housing is a priority and we have fallen behind schedule. We denounce the lack of ambition developed in this social diversity contract and you will understand that we cannot vote against.”

Comments which forced the mayors of the two targeted municipalities to come out of the woods. “For Montbeton, it is not a lack of ambition,” said Danielle Bedos. “We are not builders and social landlords still need to want to come to our communities and buy land. We will have difficulty in catch up.”

Visibly annoyed, his colleague from Bressols, Jean-Louis Ibres, mounted one of his favorite warhorses. “Article 55 of the SRU law has ruined me. I no longer have land reserves, everything was taken from me and at ridiculous prices. This law only concerns four municipalities in the department. Couldn’t we can’t imagine a more equitable distribution? I pay 130,000 euros in penalty and I no longer have the right to pre-empt land, including for major projects like the LGV or the hospital. You can imagine the contortions I have to go through. …”

Housing assistant, Laurence Pages also criticized the lack of ambition of social landlords. “They need to go into overdrive. In Montauban, 64 homes are abandoned on Boulevard Blaise-Doumerc. We guarantee all loans from social landlords up to 60%. Efforts are being made but not at any price. “

“You will find your little ones”

Another subject of debate: the 2023 administrative account. Rodolphe Portoles was particularly surprised to note that €16 million of investments planned in the original budget had not been disbursed. “Is this not an illustration of certain financial difficulties which have seen you scale back or postpone them to 2024? With all these discrepancies, does this not call into question the sincerity of the original budget voted in December?”

Thierry Deville acted as defense lawyer. “We are at 97% consumption and you will find your little ones. Do you know many of the small towns of 80,000 inhabitants which spend €22 million over a financial year? Several exogenous elements are delaying operations at Pont Vieux, Place Foch or on the wasteland Poult. You have to deal with the architect of the buildings of France, the DRAC, the water law, the archaeological excavations, all the operations are complex to set up. There is no self-satisfaction, but simply a trajectory. budget that we are trying to maintain.” A trajectory that continued at the Jardin des Plantes with Heuss the bastard and Hamza.

Urban boulevard

Harry Potter



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