“We’re not dirtbags, we have to clean up the neighborhood”

“We’re not dirtbags, we have to clean up the neighborhood”
“We’re not dirtbags, we have to clean up the neighborhood”

We talked again about late mowing which local residents hardly enjoy, particularly near the bowling green or the children’s games; but also car wrecks and dirt on the path leading to Lidl, or along the cycle path, or even around the Daurade canal. Without forgetting certain private gardens which are the “annex to the recycling center”. And then there are always rats.


“Soon, we’ll be walking on snakes,” said some, while others continued, “in the city center, it’s beautiful, we can have a picnic; At home, it’s not clean, it’s neither done nor to be done. We’re not jerks after all. We need to clean up the neighborhood! » Christèle Morin, deputy for local democracy, will look at what she can do, even if the technical services are currently overwhelmed. She explained that the town hall distributed rat poison free of charge and reminded that late mowing promotes biodiversity.

We are still surrounded by pollution: smells, smoke, noise. And our health?

An argument that made the inhabitants of La Vacherie, neighbors of the NDC Foundry factory, laugh. “We are still surrounded by pollution: smells, smoke, noise. And our health? On the health front, the town hall has a say. You are talking about ecology, we are at the heart of the subject. » For the umpteenth time, the elected official explained that the factory would finally begin work at the end of the year and for twelve months: new oven and construction of a hangar. “The calls for tenders are launched, the work permit is filed, the financing is granted. » Desperate for thirty years, the inhabitants wait to see it to believe it.



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