Early legislative elections: Vincent Seitlinger, Les Républicains candidate for Sarreguemines

As the early legislative elections approach on June 30 and July 7, 2024, Vincent Seitlinger, Les Républicains candidate, is running to continue his work started in the National Assembly. Refusing Eric Ciotti’s alliance with the RN, he positions himself as an independent and committed defender of his territory.

Vincent Seitlinger, elected deputy in 2022, 25 years after his grandfather, says he is deeply attached to his constituency.

Very attached, very anchored in our territory, since I have always lived there. Independent, since as I showed to the National Assembly, I have not always followed the instructions of the Party

Since his election, Seitlinger has co-signed 128 bills, illustrating his active engagement in the National Assembly. Among its latest initiatives: the recognition of cancer prevention as a “Great National Cause 2025”, the inclusion of nuclear deterrence in the defense code and the protection of business competitiveness.

Employment at the heart of its concerns

Employment is a priority for the candidate.

Since we have companies like Holosolis which must arrive in the Sarreguemines-Hambach area, then we obviously have the defense of our local law which is often undermined

He also underlines the need to support cross-border workers facing injustice, as well as the development of Franco-German projects, particularly in the area of ​​health.

A commitment to education

Education is another major focus of his campaign.

So that every young person in our region can have access to as much on-site training as possible. We still have middle schools and high schools which suffer from competition from establishments located in other cities and therefore we have a bit of a departure of students and pupils.

Perseverance, an essential quality

For Vincent Seitlinger, the greatest quality for an MP is perseverance.

During my visits to Sarreguemines and elsewhere, we feel the suffering of many people because there is this problem of medical deserts, there are these public services which are less efficient and less present whereas in Paris we are told that no there is no problem, we are completely disconnected from local reality

A supported candidate

In the last legislative elections, Vincent Setlinger was elected with a large lead, obtaining a difference of 5,000 votes. Its current campaign focuses on the continuity and deepening of its work for its territory, with particular attention to local and cross-border challenges.

Voted for:

Pour the entire bill strengthening the protection order and creating the temporary immediate protection order (text from the joint committee).

Pour the sole article of the bill authorizing the ratification of the agreement relating to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and relating to the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas not covered by national jurisdiction (first reading).

Pour the entire draft constitutional law modifying the electorate for elections to the congress and provincial assemblies of New Caledonia (first reading).

Voted against:

Against the first article of the bill relating to support for the sick and the end of life (first reading).

Against the draft orientation law for food and agricultural sovereignty and the renewal of generations in agriculture (first reading).

Against the motion for prior rejection, filed by Ms. Mathilde Panot, of the proposed law aimed at preventing foreign interference in France (text from the joint joint committee).



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