Near Vernon, half of the employees of this Intermarché store went on strike

Near Vernon, half of the employees of this Intermarché store went on strike
Near Vernon, half of the employees of this Intermarché store went on strike

Cn Thursday June 20, 2024, 50% of the employees of the Intermarché store in Aubevoye, a delegated municipality of Val-d’Hazey, responded to the call launched by the CGT and went on strike to protest against their poor working conditions .

Faced with the lack of response from management, they decided to respond with a strike at 6 a.m. in front of the store. The strike paralyzed part of the store’s activities, with offices and services at a standstill.

Work overload…

“We denounce everything that has happened in the store since the arrival of new management a year ago. Working conditions have deteriorated significantly: unpaid overtime, lack of staff, refusal to clock in, unaccounted timesheets, intimidation from management, facial bonuses, and excessive working hours.explains Robert, employee representative.

Striking employees describe a significant deterioration in working conditions, with an alarming increase in sick leave due to depression and harassment, as well as an impressive turnover rate within teams. “I have been on leave for depression since January. I could no longer take on several positions at the same time. We only have 20 minutes of rest at lunchtime”, explains Laeticia. The same goes for Nathalie who adds that her overtime has not been paid.

The astonishment of management

“Seeing so many people on strike, some of whom have been on the job for twenty years, is worrying. Management needs to ask questions. Employees simply ask to be valued at their fair value. However, I had reported points of alert to management for a long time”explains Grégory, member of the corporate social committee.

In response to these demands, management said it was stunned by this strike and declared: “We are very surprised by this strike which seems disproportionate to us. When I took over the store last year, it was making a loss and I recognize that we had to readjust our working methods. But that did not stop us from recruiting staff, increasing salaries and adapting workstations. We are a family business and therefore remain open to dialogue”explains Marc Roussel, CEO of Intermarché d’Aubevoye.

The employees hope that this strike movement will force management to take concrete measures to improve their working conditions and respect their rights and are now expecting concrete actions from management.



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