PORTRAIT. Legislative elections 2024: Jean-Yves Mirakoff, the candidate of Nouvelle Force de Guyane in the 1st constituency

PORTRAIT. Legislative elections 2024: Jean-Yves Mirakoff, the candidate of Nouvelle Force de Guyane in the 1st constituency
PORTRAIT. Legislative elections 2024: Jean-Yves Mirakoff, the candidate of Nouvelle Force de Guyane in the 1st constituency

Until June 27, the editorial staff is interested every day in the journey of one of the ten candidates in the legislative elections. Jean-Yves Mirakoff was nominated by his party Nouvelle Force de Guyane to run for the post of deputy. He is running in the 1st district.

He is launching himself into an elective battle for the first time, Jean-Yves Mirakoff, 58 years old, father of 5 children, worked 35 years as a commercial director at Air France. He is currently in the process of retraining in the field of air transport where he wishes to capitalize on his experience.
If he claims his desire to want, on a professional level, firstly, to invest in his country, he affirms at the same time that he feels ready to assume a leading elective function and therefore to become a deputy.

He is running for deputy with a young member of his party as his deputy:

“Louis Mike Calumey, involved in politics like me, is elected to the town hall of Cayenne and responsible for youth. Our pair seemed obvious, especially since he expressed the wish. We present a united team. We receive regular feedback from the field telling us about local dissatisfaction. It was therefore necessary to offer an alternative to what is currently being offered to voters. »

Candidate Mirakoff has no doubt that the conditions in which this election is being played out require constant commitment and he already has his plan in the event of victory:

“We will place ourselves in the same line as our senator Marie-Laure Phinera-Horth, that is to say close to the Renaissance party but without being included. We have no inclination to associate ourselves with whatever the majority bloc is within the national assembly. If there is an Overseas bloc the question will then arise. If this allows us to be more impactful at the government level, we do not rule out this option. »

“In my opinion, there are three key issues to be addressed in the National Assembly: opening up, land and purchasing power. »
And the candidate intends to make a rapprochement with the government: “We are going to prepare our technical files established with firms, particularly on opening up, and propose to the government a working method to move forward on this. We won’t be able to do everything at once, but at least establish an action plan. We count on having the vertical support of our senator. »

Concerning purchasing power, Jean-Yves Mirakoff intends to carry out studies and include the price of plane tickets in this issue. “In this area I think I have very in-depth knowledge of price composition and can act in this direction. The objective is to arrive within 12 months at prices acceptable to our compatriots. »

For youth, Jean-Yves Mirakoff affirms that the fight must be waged from a very young age. Children must be given favorable conditions for development from daycare.
He wants to make it clear that he will not be in systematic opposition: “Above all, we will be a source of proposals, we will work with an organization like “France Travail” so that it obtains real grants to set up training adapted to Guyana to allow young people to find jobs that correspond to the needs of companies local. »

On the bill on end of life postponed sine die, Jean-Yves Mirakoff affirms that it must be taken up in another way, more humane with solutions acceptable to all.



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