INTERVIEW. Former France team doctor provides update after Mbappé’s broken nose

INTERVIEW. Former France team doctor provides update after Mbappé’s broken nose
INTERVIEW. Former France team doctor provides update after Mbappé’s broken nose

Kylian Mbappé prematurely left his teammates on Monday June 17, in the 90th minute of the France team’s match won against Austria at Euro 2024 (1-0). The French captain broke his nose, information confirmed during the night, and, an hour after the end of the match, was undergoing examinations at the University Hospital of Düsseldorf which concluded that surgery was not necessary .

“Normally, 4 to 6 weeks of downtime”

The victory of the Blues already relegated to second place, a question was burning on everyone’s lips: how long will Kylian Mbappé be unavailable? “A broken nose normally takes 4 to 6 weeks off work”explained last night by telephone Doctor Fabrice Bryand, former doctor of the French team (2010-2012) and FC Nantes (1989-2008), contacted by West France. “ But we are dealing with high-level athletes and it depends on the severity of the injury. If there is only a fracture of the nasal septum, they may take the risk of making him play with a mask. »

Kylian Mbappé could not be lined up against the Netherlands on Friday evening in Leipzig (9 p.m.). His presence against Poland on Tuesday June 25 is also subject to question. “You have to leave at least 8 to 10 days for it to die down”continues the specialist.

But in the event that he could play again with the Blues, in the round of 16 (Monday July 1 in the event of second place or the next day if first place), the question of his physical state would arise. “In 10 or 15 days, it will still be painful. There will be apprehension. He will not head balls normally. And then he will have a mask, so he won’t see the same thing. »

READ ALSO. VIDEO. France – Austria: failure and injury to Mbappé, parade from Maignan… The highlights of the match

The only certainty is that this injury to the Bondynois is a first blow for the Blues and his health report will be scrutinized very closely in the coming days.



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