Slum in Nantes. 700 Roma to be evacuated in the name of an “urban ecology hub”, 50 million euros of public money

Slum in Nantes. 700 Roma to be evacuated in the name of an “urban ecology hub”, 50 million euros of public money
Slum in Nantes. 700 Roma to be evacuated in the name of an “urban ecology hub”, 50 million euros of public money

The metropolis of Nantes has decided, over 4 years, to evacuate the Prairie de Mauves shantytown, one of the largest in France, in which there are around 700 Roma. An operation which will have a huge cost for the taxpayer : 50 million euros over 4 years, that is to say 71,500 euros per individual to be evacuated. 71 500 euros.

“The metropolis has already listed all the steps necessary for this unprecedented operation that will last four years. “We’ll start in the fall of 2024, or this summer,” said François Prochasson. “It costs around 12 million euros per year. Over 4 years, we can imagine that the cost will reduce depending on the solutions found by the public,” he added. In the press release, the metropolis talks about an operational implementation “during the summer of 2024,” with diagnostic steps prior to the move itself. It specifically mentions an overall basic service cost of €12,694,729 excluding tax/year, both for support and for securing the site. ” indicates Le Figaro.

Johanna Rolland wants to find the money also in the coffers of the State (therefore French taxpayers) and Europe (European taxpayers). The idea being over 4 years, to offer sustainable housing to all the Roma displaced from the slums. An operation in the form of a goose that lays the golden eggs, which thousands of families across France, who are struggling to find accommodation and make ends meet, would dream of. Who doesn’t dream of being given, in one form or another, 71,500 euros over 4 years?

Behind this desire, there is nothing but philanthropy: in fact, in a very “bohemian” city, it is a question of creating an “urban ecology pole” instead.

“This urban ecology center must be an accelerator for the elimination of these shanty towns and for the better living of these populations”said communist elected official Robin Salecroix on Monday.

The evacuation of the shanty town raises many questions in any case (the 4-year project seems rather vague), but also concerns among some local residents, who fear in particular the nuisances linked to the relocation of the Roma population. Questions are also being asked about the future of the site and the housing solutions that will be offered to the families concerned.

On certain air transport comparators, adult one-way tickets to Romania from Nantes are, for the month of July, around 240 euros per adult. 168,000 euros in total for 700 people. More economical than an investment of 50 million euros, right? Especially in times of crisis such as we are experiencing…

Photo credit: DR
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