Éric Ciotti contradicts the RN on pensions

Éric Ciotti contradicts the RN on pensions
Éric Ciotti contradicts the RN on pensions

By John Timsit

29 minutes ago,

Update 4 minutes ago

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In an interview with Parisian published Monday evening, the president of the RN confirms for his part that “the pension reform will be repealed from the fall because it is economically inefficient and socially unjust.”

A thick fog has descended on the alliance that Republican President Éric Ciotti has concluded with the National Rally, with a view to the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7. What about the pension reform adopted in 2023, which pushed back the legal retirement age to 64, if the “national camp” coalition won this early election? During the debates that shook the country a year and a half ago, the positions were, to say the least, irreconcilable. If the flame party was in favor of a threshold ranging from 60 to 62 years depending on the number of quarters contributed, a majority of LR lieutenants denounced a aggiornamento too moderate. And advocated leaving at 65.

How to govern with such an ideological difference? Guest of “8 p.m.” on France 2 Monday evening, the deputy for Alpes-Maritimes affirmed that“it is not said that the pension reform will be repealed.” “There is a question about long careers, for those who started very early”, he further argued. After an initial dedicated time “the emergency”, the alliance, hypothetically victorious, will see if “it has room for maneuver given by an audit on the truth of the accounts.” While a little music suggested that the Lepenists would abandon the promised repeal, once they came to power, the boss of the RN made a clarification.

“Time for reforms”

In an interview with Parisian , Jordan Bardella, who is eyeing Matignon, reveals what the first months of his action would look like. When the second phase opens, the one “reforms”that of retirements will indeed be “repealed because it is economically inefficient and socially unjust.” “We will allow long-term careers, those who started working before the age of 20, to retire with 40 years at a legal retirement age of 60,” he explains.

A little earlier, the outgoing RN deputy for the Somme Jean-Philippe Tanguy had justified this two-stage schedule so as not to “make a mess” during the Olympic Games. A way of giving temporality, after the procrastination of its leader Jordan Bardella who had judged this question “important” without being “urgent” last week on France 2. And not to lose voters, sensitive to the social question, within two weeks. A major divergence between the presidents of the RN and LR, which can give fodder to the oppositions.

During his press conference on Wednesday June 11, the President of the Republic showed irony. “Mr. Ciotti wanted to go even further on the text on pensions, while Mr. Bardella defended 62 years… What is the coherence that unites these people to govern?”had criticized the head of state, according to whom the boss of the right had done “a pact of the devil”.



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