“Strong storms” expected this Monday evening from Gironde to Yonne

“Strong storms” expected this Monday evening from Gironde to Yonne
“Strong storms” expected this Monday evening from Gironde to Yonne

A stormy deterioration will take place this Monday evening in twelve departments on yellow alert. The first storms are expected between Gironde and Charente-Maritime between 10 p.m. and midnight. They will be accompanied by heavy rain and sometimes hail 1 to 3 cm in diameter. Under the most active storms, wind gusts can reach 80 to 90 km/hour. They “could be strong or even locally violent in the late afternoon and early evening,” warns the Kéraunos observatory.

They will reach the Vendée and will move up from Poitou towards the Centre-Val de Loire. This stormy wave will pass relatively quickly but could be accompanied by intense rain and locally hail in its path.

Hourly intensities can reach 20 to 30 mm/hour under the strongest storms. The risk of hail is very present, particularly on an axis going from Poitou-Charentes to Sologne, according to Météo France. Wind gusts can reach 80 km/h in the strongest storms.

The Weather Channel

Tuesday morning, the last storms will hit Loiret and Yonne between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. before evacuating from the northeast. Here too, heavy rain of 15 to 25 mm and locally hail are expected.

These disturbed conditions will limit the rise in the thermometer with an unpleasant feeling, even if the temperatures will be close to the seasonal averages on a national scale. Then, the weather could begin to calm down and stabilize for the end of the month with the anticyclone which would begin to build up again over the Mediterranean.



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