3 Foolproof Tips to Avoid Sales Pitfalls

3 Foolproof Tips to Avoid Sales Pitfalls
3 Foolproof Tips to Avoid Sales Pitfalls

Today is D-Day (Wednesday June 26): the summer sales are coming to Rouen and it’s the perfect time to hunt for the best pieces at knockdown prices! Whether you’re looking for the dress of your dreams, a new pair of trendy jeans or simply something to refresh your wardrobe, Rouen’s merchants are waiting for you with offers that will heat up your credit card!

3 Things to Know About Sales to Avoid Getting Scammed

Sales are great, but they can also be full of pitfalls. Here are three tips for smart shopping and avoiding scams:

1. Beware of Clothes Made for Sale

Yes, it really exists. Some retailers produce clothing specifically for sales, often of inferior quality. According to UFC Que Choisir, these pieces are designed to reduce production costs and increase margins. So how to spot them? Take a close look at the finishes, cut and quality of the fabrics. If a dress suddenly appears during sales, beware!

Trick : Keep an eye on previous collections and compare qualities to avoid unpleasant surprises.

2. Beware of the Contrast Effect

A coat at -60%, now at €120? Very cool ! But if you had seen the same price without the fluorescent label, would you have fallen for it? This is the contrast effect: we are easily seduced by discounts without really thinking. In addition, percentage calculations can play tricks on us.

Solution : Tear off the label to see the original price or use a sales calculator app (like Soldes Faciles or La Calculette à Soldes) to find out the true price after reduction.

3. “Neither Taken Back, Nor Exchanged”, Really?

Even during sales, this mention can be abusive. If you find a hidden defect (such as a poorly sewn button), know that the item benefits from the same guarantees as any other product. According to the DGCCRF, the merchant must exchange or reimburse defective items, even during sales periods.

Good to know : On the Internet, you always have the right to change your mind! The Hamon law allows you to cancel a purchase within 14 days without justification or additional costs. Handy if your boyfriend ultimately doesn’t like these new shoes!

There you are, you are now armed for the summer sales! Happy shopping and warm up your credit card (but wisely)!



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