Haute-Vienne: a case of money laundering and hidden work dismantled

A major case of hidden work was dismantled by Limoges investigators. The executives of a private security company will face court after employing undocumented workers and laundering large agent sums through pop-up businesses abroad.

It was through an operation carried out by the Limoges Research Section (SR), with the support of the gendarmes of the Haute-Vienne group and the Interministerial Research Group (GIR), that the leaders of the The company was forced to stop their actions.

€550,000 damage

The case began in early 2022. Investigators from the Limoges SR discovered that a private security company based in Limoges was operating without the necessary approval required by the State. The investigations, carried out under the supervision of the Limoges prosecutor’s office, revealed that many undocumented employees were hired by the company, which officially only had four declared agents. The company was thus able to win major contracts, throughout the Limousin and Brittany regions, by impersonating real agents during checks.

The total damage amounts to €550,000 including €315,000 for the URSSAF for hidden work.

The illicit gains generated by the structure were partly laundered to several countries via short-lived companies.

A Limoges nightclub seized

During the investigation, searches carried out jointly in Limoges and Pontivy (Morbihan), in Brittany, made it possible to seize nearly €100,000 from bank accounts, several real estate assets, including a nightclub located in Limoges with a value of €310,000. €. These real estate properties had been acquired using nominees with money coming from hidden financial circuits.

The defendants, already known for similar acts, will soon be summoned before the Limoges criminal court.



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