A campaign in Nyon to save blue gold

A campaign in Nyon to save blue gold
A campaign in Nyon to save blue gold

The Diabolo Festival will host the Beausobre theater and esplanade in Morges (VD) next weekend. The cultural event for children aged 2 to 10 has put together an abundant menu, with 14 shows and 28 creative or sporting workshops. The singer Gaëtan will present a special project with the Geneva Chamber Orchestra.

This twelfth edition will welcome families in a space of nearly 30,000 m2, including eleven stages and two small marquees. Several shows and events are already sold out.

On the program, “essential activities popular with festival-goers, such as the construction site, the wooden games or the meeting with the three donkey mascots”, notes a press release. But the festival also promises new features, such as a giant game library or a carousel that works thanks to parents pedaling a bike.

Pierre and the Wolf

Gaëtan, headliner of the festival, offers a new project, which is divided into two parts. He will become a storyteller to tell the story of “Peter and the Wolf” by Prokofiev accompanied by the 18 musicians of the Geneva Chamber Orchestra. Then families will be able to sing the artist’s greatest hits in versions re-orchestrated for the occasion.

The festival announces a host of activities and shows, such as circus, paper theater, magic, puppets or object theater. A climbing wall and a slackline will be available for the more sporty. It is recommended to reserve your places on the event website.

Tickets offered

Aware that not all families can afford cultural activities, the festival has for several years been giving free entries to the city’s social services and to homes in the region. In 2024, nearly 500 entries have been offered.

This article was automatically published. Source: ats




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