Legislative elections: The Republicans present five candidates in Loiret

Legislative elections: The Republicans present five candidates in Loiret
Legislative elections: The Republicans present five candidates in Loiret

The Republicans presented their five candidates in Loiret on Sunday June 16: in all constituencies, except the first. At a press conference, they made a very offensive speech against the National Rally.

Six constituencies, five candidates supported by Les Républicains, in Loiret. The departmental party presented Sunday June 16, at a press conference, the four men and the woman to whom it entrusted the task of “defending the values ​​of the right and the center”, on June 30 and July 7.

“What is very clear is that the legislative elections are not a copy and paste of the European elections, which are distant. The legislative elections have an impact on the lives of the French, the wallet, education, access to care We must provide the right solutions, facing the extremes at the gates of power, and an alternative to the policy pursued for seven years.”

Ariel Levy (President of the Loiret LR)

No LR candidate in the 1st constituency

He let the five candidates present themselves. Five, because the party will be absent in the first constituency. “It couldn’t be done,” says Ariel Lévy soberly. Was there an agreement with Renaissance? “No agreement has been made.”

Was there complacency, hoping that the presidential party would return the favor? “If that were the case, they would not have presented Mélusine Harlé against me in the 4th”, he retorts (but Renaissance would not present anyone in the 3rd).

No agreement has been made with the UDI.

The position towards the National Rally

Asked about Eric Ciotti’s position, the candidates were straight in their boots:

“I completely disagree with Eric Ciotti’s proposal in substance and form, all to save his position as deputy.”

Ariel Levy (empty)

The other candidates approved it.

“Note that we are all facing an RN candidate, and that none is claiming the LR/RN nomination.” He took the opportunity to scratch the “moderate left” which “has allied itself with the extreme left”.

2nd district

Cyril Colas, 44 years old, LR, business manager from Magdun

“On Sunday, I told myself that we could not let this happen. The arrival of the extreme right on my territory upset me. In the leaflets of the other parties, there is nothing. I want to defend our values ​​in my constituency, with its very different profiles: rurality, medium-sized towns and metropolis.”

3rd district

Constance de Pélichy, 38 years old, ex-LR, various right, mayor of La Ferté-Saint-Aubin, regional councilor

“We couldn’t leave the constituency to the RN without a fight. We’re going to take it back from them.” She denounces the “demagogue” program of the far-right party, “which claims to be on the side of the poor and does not vote for the increase in pensions, for example”.

4th district

Ariel Lévy, 34 years old, president of the LR of Loiret, departmental councilor of the canton of Montargis

“People are suffering, the country is on the brink of the abyss from an economic and social point of view. The rise of the extreme left and the RN risks pushing us into chaos or the bankruptcy of the State. It is unthinkable not to take our responsibilities.”

5th district

Benjamin Quelin, 34 years old, LR, mayor of Saint-Michel

“I want to be the elected representative of the territory, the candidate of reason between the Renaissance candidate, who did nothing for two years, and the parachuted candidate of the RN.”

6th district

Jean-Luc Poisson, 71 years old, LR, former deputy mayor of Orléans

“I know Orléans well, less towards the east. I will do my best, in twelve days, to meet as many people as possible.”


Guillaume Chassang, New Center candidate in the first constituency, says he is supported by LR, after having been in national contact with François-Xavier Bellamy: “It was validated by the national commission and I received confirmation last Friday. This was done directly with Mr. Bellamy as part of the national agreement for a republican alliance of the Center and the right. Information confirmed at our request by email yesterday by Nicolas Jeanneté, general director of the New Center national campaign.
“He must go through the departmental federation, he has not contacted us. We will be open to discussion if he comes to see us, but he cannot claim to be supported by the LR, nor use our logo,” replies Ariel Lévy .
Too late… On the first campaign leaflet of Orléanais Guillaume Chassang, the logos of the Centrists Le Nouveau center already appear, but also of… LR, Positive Ecology and New Energy for France.
A clarification will be necessary this week.

Caroline Bozec



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