2024 legislative elections in the Lot: “I will not accept any fiddling with one or the other”, warns LR deputy, Aurélien Pradié

the essential
MP Aurélien Pradié has just submitted his candidacy for the legislative elections on June 30 and July 7. Under the LR banner, the right-wing candidate in the 1st constituency of Lot returns to the political earthquake of recent days.

We could call this a fair backlash, if the political crisis shaking the Republicans was not so deep. The deputy for Lot, Aurélien Pradié, ousted from the vice-presidency by Eric Ciotti in February 2023, could even have laughed about it; if the ouster of President LR by the political bureau this Wednesday did not shake his core party, to which he says he is loyal.

Indeed, having barely left Paris this Thursday morning, Aurélien Pradié, who will be LR candidate for the 1st constituency of the Lot, does not hide his disgust: “In recent days, the challenge was that a minimum of Republican deputies switch to the extreme right, because I knew from Sunday evening that something was going on between Eric Ciotti and the National Rally”.

Aurélien Pradié goes on campaign under the colors of the Republicans.

Finally, if the crisis is well and truly recorded at LR, few candidates seem to have gotten closer to Jordan Bardella and Marine Le Pen, assures the Lotois parliamentarian in any case. “A handful,” says the elected official, “of those close to Eric Ciotti.”

Read also :
Aurélien Pradié, LR deputy for Lot, reacts to his ouster: “The French expect justice and respect”

“He tried to save his skin and secure a ministry”

So, Aurélien Pradié, sitting at the office of his Cadurcian office, this Thursday morning, settles his accounts. “Some party barons are surprised today by Eric Ciotti’s decisions, yet this is exactly what happened with me. I warned about Eric Ciotti, they didn’t believe me. Finally, I’m quite proud to have been fired by him I always said that we should be wary of Eric Ciotti’s nights”, jokes Aurélien Pradié, referring to this Sunday evening of the Europeans where, he says. , “Seeing himself losing his mandate as deputy in Nice (editor’s note Alpes-Maritimes), he panicked! He tried to save his skin with the RN and secure a ministry.”

Read also :
2024 legislative elections and crisis at LR: who supports Eric Ciotti within the party? Which deputies refuse the alliance with the RN? La Dépêche answers you

Dissolution of the Assembly, the deputy for Lot speaks of Emmanuel Macron’s madness.

Dissolution of the Assembly: “It’s a stroke of madness by Emmanuel Macron”

You know, continues the parliamentarian, this is the first time that I have witnessed a dissolution of the National Assembly, it is a bit strange and I am very divided. This is a stroke of madness from Emmanuel Macron. I don’t see France led by Jordan Bardella. But what worries me is the state of the country: a field of democratic ruins with extremes on one side or the other.”

Always loyal to the Lotois, for whom I have fought tirelessly for 7 years, I want to be their voice.

A loud voice. A free voice. pic.twitter.com/1nQanV4uri

— Aurélien Pradié (@AurelienPradie) https://twitter.com/AurelienPradie/status/1801205571137241125?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

While he will submit his candidacy for the legislative elections this very afternoon with his deputy Brigitte Rivière, the elected official from Lot does not intend to sell his soul to the devil, in the face of what he calls “electoral tampering”.

“I am not a weather vane. I am not for sale, neither on one side nor the other. The national parties can make the decisions they want, I am a free candidate. When the texts go into the common sense, I vote for them When there is a need to defend the Lot, I do it. When I have to oppose it, I do it.

And to fully assume his vote against the pension reform, which earned him his exclusion from Vice-President LR.

LR candidates to join the RN are few in number according to the elected official from Lot.
LR candidates to join the RN are few in number according to the elected official from Lot.

Do not compromise with Marine Le Pen or Jean-Luc Mélenchon

But loyal to his party, he intends to remain LR. Moreover, in his Lot office, photos of Jacques-Chirac, Georges Pompidou, books on De Gaulle surround him… “Loyalty, somewhere, always confines a little, but it is a guarantee of honor. Since yesterday, he tells us, I have been devastated by this whole spectacle. It’s an auction of everyone’s beliefs. I will never compromise with Marine Le Pen, but I don’t understand either. “we can compromise with Jean-Luc Mélenchon, he has expressed so much hatred for months and Carole Delga who had sworn that she would never do anything with Jean-Luc Mélenchon…”, he denounces.

Read also :
Legislative elections 2024: Carole Delga “says yes to the Popular Front” but refuses to give in to the “Macronist” and “Mélenchonist” sirens

When asked about the future of the Republicans and its role, he admits to wondering: “It’s a question I don’t know how to answer. Is it a Gaullist party built on the remains of LR that we must rebuild; or move on to something else? In any case, I will not play the role of lamp player in a movement that does not suit me.”

For now, it is the people of Lot that he wants to address. “I have just returned from Paris, I will not leave Lot for the next 15 days. The campaign is starting. This Friday, I will be on the Prayssac market. Moreover, two days before the announcement of the dissolution, I I had just passed the white 4L from the 2022 campaign for technical inspection. It’s ready, we’re going back.



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