Legislative elections 2024: advisor to Raphaël Glucksmann for the European elections, Richard Bouigue candidate in the 3rd constituency of Aveyron

Legislative elections 2024: advisor to Raphaël Glucksmann for the European elections, Richard Bouigue candidate in the 3rd constituency of Aveyron
Legislative elections 2024: advisor to Raphaël Glucksmann for the European elections, Richard Bouigue candidate in the 3rd constituency of Aveyron

With the Saint-Affricain municipal and regional councilor Clément Carles as substitute, the two candidacies for the New Popular Front in the third constituency of Aveyron were confirmed this Saturday, June 15 in the morning.

The decision took a long time to be validated and was finally validated this Saturday, June 15 in the morning. The First Deputy Mayor of the 12th arrondissement of Paris, that of the Aveyronnais, Richard Bouigu, will run the candidacy of the New Popular Front in South Aveyron. He will have as substitute, Clément Carles, regional councilor and opposition representative in Saint-Affrique. Contacted, the latter confirmed their investiture by the New Popular Front for the third constituency of Aveyron, the only one which did not yet have a candidate for this new union of the left in the department.

Léon Thébault will be a candidate in the first and Laurent Alexandre in the second.

“Ambassador of the Aveyronnais in Paris”

The first, a native of Rodez and established in Millau, is also deputy general director of the Socialist Party. Described as an “ambassador of the Aveyronnais in Paris”, he participated in the municipal campaigns of Bertrand Delanoë and was subsequently parliamentary attaché to Sandrine Mazetier, another Ruthénoise from Paris. “I was an advisor to Raphaël Glucksmann for the European elections,” adds the socialist candidate. He is also co-director of the Jean-Jaurès sports observatory.

A second application in South Aveyron

The second is in opposition to the town hall of Saint-Affrique and elected to the Region, in Carole Delga’s team since the last regional elections. A nurse by profession, he sits on the “health” and “agriculture” commissions of which he is vice-president.

They will soon submit their application to the prefecture for this new campaign.



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