Anticipated legislative elections. Pierre Giry, an LR/RN candidate in Manche

Anticipated legislative elections. Pierre Giry, an LR/RN candidate in Manche
Anticipated legislative elections. Pierre Giry, an LR/RN candidate in Manche


Julien Munoz

Published on

June 16, 2024 at 10:42 a.m.

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A few days after the announcement by Éric Ciotti of an alliance between the Republicans and the National Rally, as part of the early legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, 2024THE first effects are perceptible in the territory.

On the national planthe RN should leave its place in more than one constituency in tenin supporting elected officials who are in line with those who, according to justiceis still the president of major right-wing party And of the Center.

“Éric Ciotti had a lot of guts”

This will be the case in the constituency of Cherbourg (Manche)Or Nicolas Conquer was chosen, but also on the side of Valognes-Coutances (Manche), where Pierre Giry was invested.

At 32, the man who has been a member of the Republicans for many years, is first time candidate to one election.

I have always supported a union of the rights. Éric Ciotti had a lot of guts to follow through with this agreement which France needs to face the dangers represented by the new generation Nupes and macronism. This agreement is anything but political opportunism. It’s not something temporary either. This gathering will be anchored in time.

Pierre Giry

In 2022, Carmen Masson had nominated the National Rally in the constituency. She had obtained almost 19% of the votes. Six points more than 2017.

Marine Le Pen’s party wishes accentuate its dynamic through this rapprochement with part of the right.

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“A historic political event”

” It’s a historical political event in this department of Manche anchored in a tradition of political wisdom”, adds Emmanuel Regnouf, member of the departmental office of the National Rally, and activist for many years.

Business strategy consultantPierre Giry had notably participated in the legislative campaign by François-Xavier Bellamy in 2017 in Yvelines.

Married, father of three childrenhe does not reside in the territorybut says he “knows him very well” and has been around him for many years.

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