Dordogne. Paths of youth | Succeed in Périgord

Dordogne. Paths of youth | Succeed in Périgord
Dordogne. Paths of youth | Succeed in Périgord


Alexandre Merlingeas

Published on

June 16, 2024 at 9:32 a.m.

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There are many paths that lead to Compostela. Jean-Claude Ballay seems well on his way to borrowing a lot. At the end of May, he completed his fourth journey to the holy land, starting from Valencia, Spain, or 1,200 km on foot in two months. A great solo performance… at the age of 89! “I wanted to be alone and completely independent. The first journey I made was 1,500 km, from Puy-en-Velay. I didn’t know if I was going to make it to the end! »says this former campsite manager (the Moulin de David in Gaujac, near Monpazier), residing in Salignac-Eyvigues.

For Jean-Claude Ballay, traveling more than 1000 km on foot in two months, alone, at his age, is nothing exceptional. The man walks several kilometers daily and remains very active. During his first trip to Saint-Jacques, he left from Puy-en-Velay Passing by Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port. Another time, he launched out Seville, along the Portugal. Last year, he took the Camino Norte, via the Atlantic coast to reach the Galicia. “Walking takes me outside of normal time. I think that’s what pushes me to start again. » And to add: “All you have to think about is feeding yourself and finding a place to sleep. Apart from that, we are as free as the air. » The journey, however, is not an easy one. He has to face rain, cold and sometimes uneven terrain. “It’s not Annapurna! »he minimizes.

He leaves with a backpack containing the bare minimum: a few clothes, a toiletry bag, his medication. He uses walking sticks. During the journey, he stayed in albergues, collective accommodation scattered along the paths for pilgrims. To give news to his loved ones, he created a WhatsApp group where he keeps a daily log and posts photographs of his adventures.

Read in full in Réussir le Périgord from June 7, 2024

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